Easter Seals Disability Services

Easter Seals Oregon

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Boy In Wheelchair Fishing
Money Management Program
The Oregon Money Management Program offers support to people with limited incomes who need help with personal money management tasks.

Learn more about how this program helps prevent financial fraud and abuse.

What's New

Mother's Story Inspires Guests During Recent 30th Anniversary Celebration
At the recent Children’s Therapy Center Angels of Change Luncheon, held October 9, Heidi, mother of three, shared her family’s story. Heidi’s twin boys, Myles and Masen receive life changing therapy services at the Center.

Smiling Twins    

Healthy Start ~ Healthy Family Workers Visit Japan
Two Healthy Start ~ Healthy Families staff from Oregon recently spent a week in Japan training human service workers on child abuse prevention to address Japanese child abuse rates.

Health Start Training in Japan    

Your Support Does Make a Difference
Learn more about Caleb's therapy and how it has impacted his family's life. The Children's Therapy Center focuses on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment to help children with disabilities and special needs meet their full potential.

Caleb smiling    

Easter Seals Volunteer Receives Honor of Board Chair Emeritus
Dwane Brenneman was recognized as Easter Seals Oregon Board Chair Emeritus during the recent Angels of Change Luncheon. During his many years of service to Easter Seals, he has been a champion for individuals with autism,disabilities and other special needs and their families.

Dwane Brenneman    

Easter Seals Oregon Supports Homeless Veterans
Community support helped make the Veterans' Stand Down a success. Many homeless Veterans attended the Stand Down event in Salem. Easter Seals Oregon offers hope and support throughout the year through its Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program.

Support our Veterans    

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