State of New Hampshire
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New Hampshire Department of Corrections
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 Inmate Locator
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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Inmate information
  2. Types of information available
  3. Visiting an inmate
  4. Sending mail to an inmate
  5. E-mailing an inmate
  6. Sending money to an inmate
  7. Phoning an inmate
  8. Ordering authorized property items for inmates
  9. Inmate made products
  10. Donations of items
  11. Inmate Locater Parole Date Listing
  12. Sex Offender information
  13. Policies, Procedures and Directives (PPDs)
1. Inmate information
The New Hampshire Department of Corrections now publishes an online offender roster, updated on or about the first of each month. You may call the Office of Public Information at (603) 271-5602 during regular business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time. You may also write to the New Hampshire Department of Corrections, Office of Public Information, PO Box 1806, Concord, NH 03302. You may also obtain the information via e-mail by writing The New Hampshire Department of Corrections DOES NOT have information about offenders incarcerated in a New Hampshire County House of Corrections.
2. Types of information available
The New Hampshire's Right to Know Law RSA 91:A governs what information NH-DOC can release to the public. That information includes the following:

  • If an offender is in custody
  • Inmate identification number
  • Which facility the offender is housed in
  • Sentencing information and crime
  • Jurisdiction
  • Offender's age
  • Date of admission
  • Parole date
  • Maximum release date
  • Date of execution

Information that is NOT released to the public
  • Offender's specific room assignment
  • Offender's job assignment
  • Offender medical information
  • Offender disciplinary information
  • Offender education scores
  • Pre-sentence investigation reports
  • Information pertaining to ongoing or incomplete investigations
  • Parole violation records
3. Visiting an inmate - Visiting Policy Microsoft Word symbol
Visiting is a privilege. Inmates are authorized two visits weekly. Visits from attorneys, clergy, or other "official" visitors are not counted against this quota. All visitors must be approved by New Hampshire Department of Corrections staff. Inmates will be authorized an unlimited number of family members on their visiting lists. All visitors will undergo a criminal background check prior to approval.
  • Inmates must request that a prospective visitor be placed on his/her list.
  • Prospective visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult family member of the inmate.
  • Inmates must provide the visitor's full name, address, phone number, date of birth, and identifying number (driver's license, military ID, non-driver ID). The inmate must certify that no court or parole board has ordered the inmate to refrain from contact with the prospective visitor. This process takes approximately 2 weeks.

Inmates cannot receive regular visits until the quarantine period is completed, which is approximately 3-4 weeks after admission.
4. Sending mail to an inmate- Mail Policy Microsoft Word symbol
Inmates may receive mail. Letters can be up to ten (10) pages in length. Inmates can receive up to two (2) packages from an NHDOC authorized vendors during the holiday season as part of an arrangement with approved vendors. The inmate will be apprised of who those vendors are at the appropriate time. Throughout the calendar year books, pre-recorded cassettes or magazine subscriptions can be sent directly from recognized mail order companies or publishers. The receipt must be included within the packaging or it will be returned to the sender. The number of items allowed in the inmate's housing unit is based on which unit the inmate resides in. Certain items are not permitted to enter correctional facilities. All other offender purchases must be made by the inmate from the facility's canteen. Outside purchases of similar items are prohibited.

Address the letter as follows:

Inmate Name
Inmate Identification Number
Institution/Facility name
City, State, Zip Code

For inmates serving sentences in other jursidictions, the Department does not release which non-New Hampshire jurisdiction they are housed in. You may send your letter to the New Hampshire State Prison Offender Records Office, PO Box 14, Concord, NH 03302 and the correspondence will be forwarded to the inmate.

5. E-mailing an inmate
Inmates do not have access to the Internet. They cannot receive e-mail.
6. Sending money to an inmate
Inmates can receive money in the mail in the form of a personal check or money order only. You cannot send an inmate cash in the mail. The check or money order must include the inmate's name and identification number. Your complete return address should be written legibly on both the envelope and on the money order/check. The check or money order will be deposited into the inmate's account. Inmates can not have more than $1,000.00 in their account.

7. Phoning an inmate- Phone Policy Microsoft Word symbol
Telephone calls are a privilege. Inmates can call you collect. The recipient will be charged a connection fee as well as a per-minute fee. The proceeds benefit the inmate recreation fund. Inmates can have up to twenty (20) individuals on their calling list. Inmates ARE NOT allowed to have pre-paid calling cards or cellphones. To be removed from an inmate's calling list please contact the institution.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Inmate Phones

Any questions pertaining to pertaining to billing for inmate phone services provided by I-C-S must be referred to 1-888-506-8407

8. Order and buy authorized property items for inmates.

Certain property items can be purchased outside of the facility canteens. The New Hampshire Department of Corrections Recreation Offices work with Access Surepack to buy items such as TV's, shoes, and other allowable items. You may visit the company's website for more information about ordering and buying these items: Go to New Hampshire Access catalog

9. Inmate made products
Corrections Creations, 312 North State Street, Concord, NH. (603) 271-1933. Corrections Creations is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Checks and credit card payment only.
10. Donations of items
Items can be donated to the New Hampshire Department of Corrections. By state law all items must be approved by the Governor and Executive Council. If you would like to donate something to NH-DOC please contact the DOC warehouse at (603) 271-1876 or the Office of Fiscal Management at (603) 271-5608.

11. Inmate locater parole date listing
Why does the parole eligibility date change on the Inmate Locater?

All decisions to release offenders on parole are those of the New Hampshire Adult Parole Board. It is a separate entity from the NH Department of Corrections and follows different New Hampshire state statutes and administrative rules. Some of the factors considered by the Parole Board prior to those decisions include the following:

  • Has the inmate had a hearing before the Parole Board and been granted the privilege of parole?
  • Has the inmate completed state-ordered programming or treatment?
  • Has the inmate submitted a parole plan that has been approved by the Parole Board?

If the answer to any of those questions is no then the inmate will not be released on parole.

However the inmate locater only records the original parole eligibility date. The Department cannot publish a projected release date because that is frequently unknown until the Parole Board provides the official documentation to the Department that the parole plan has been approved. Once that occurs the inmate is generally paroled within 24-48 hours.

12. Sex Offender information
The New Hampshire Sexual Offender Registry is managed by the New Hampshire State Police.

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