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Oregon GovSpace: Enterprise Collaboration
Collaboration Without Boundaries
The subscription for ClearSpace, a product of Jive Software, has been extended until September 2009 and the number of seats have been increased from 200 to unlimited.  The internet based collaboration tool has been updated to the latest version and is available to all agencies, boards, commissions and their business partners in county/local government or key stakeholders as long as the agency determines they have a business purpose to collaborate online together.
Oregon GovSpace has over 400 users and membership is growing quickly due to the robust collaboration features; version control and change history for documents, discussion blogs with email notification, user-defined groups with different levels of privacy, individual profiles, shared task creation and project reporting, personal co-worker networks and administrative functions combine to provide a true enterprise tool to share ideas and information.  
Log onto Oregon GovSpace  https:\\oregon.jivesoftware.com 
(requires user ID and password ) 

Page updated: January 22, 2009

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