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Local Budget Mailing List
The Department of Revenue has established an electronic mailing list called "localbudget." It will provide you an easy way to receive information about developments related to Oregon Local Budget Law. Only list subscribers will receive these electronic mailings. We expect that messages will be issued only occasionally. The list is used only to send messages from the department. The list does not accept responses from subscribers.
To sign up, visit http://webhost.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/localbudget and follow the instructions for "Subscribing to localbudget."
You will receive confirmation that you have been added to the subscribers of this list. Once you have subscribed, you may unsubscribe to this list at any time. There is no charge to subscribe, unsubscribe, or to receive messages from this list.
If you have questions about the list contact:
Lee Peterson
Phone: 503-945-8338
E-mail: lee.peterson@state.or.us

Page updated: June 21, 2007

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