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Sec432[42 U.S.C. 629b] (a) Plan Requirements.—A State plan meets the requirements of this subsection if the plan—

(1) provides that the State agency shall administer, or supervise the administration of, the State program under this subpart;

(2)(A)(i) sets forth the goals intended to be accomplished under the plan by the end of the 5th fiscal year in which the plan is in operation in the State, and (ii) is updated periodically to set forth the goals intended to be accomplished under the plan by the end of each 5th fiscal year thereafter;

(B) describes the methods to be used in measuring progress toward accomplishment of the goals;

(C) contains assurances that the State—

(i) after the end of each of the 1st 4 fiscal years covered by a set of goals, will perform an interim review of progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and on the basis of the interim review will revise the statement of goals in the plan, if necessary, to reflect changed circumstances; and

(ii) after the end of the last fiscal year covered by a set of goals, will perform a final review of progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and on the basis of the final review (I) will prepare, transmit to the Secretary, and make available to the public a final report on progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and (II) will develop (in consultation with the entities required to be consulted pursuant to subsection (b)) and add to the plan a statement of the goals intended to be accomplished by the end of the 5th succeeding fiscal year;

(3) provides for coordination, to the extent feasible and appropriate, of the provision of services under the plan and the provision of services or benefits under other Federal or federally assisted programs serving the same populations;

(4) contains assurances that not more than 10 percent of expenditures under the plan for any fiscal year with respect to which the State is eligible for payment under section 434 for the fiscal year shall be for administrative costs, and that the remaining expenditures shall be for programs of family preservation services, community-based family support services, time-limited family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services, with significant portions of such expenditures for each such program;

(5) contains assurances that the State will—

(A) annually prepare, furnish to the Secretary, and make available to the public a description (including separate descriptions with respect to family preservation services, community-based family support services time-limited family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services) of—

(i) the service programs to be made available under the plan in the immediately succeeding fiscal year;

(ii) the populations which the programs will serve; and

(iii) the geographic areas in the State in which the services will be available; and

(B) perform the activities described in subparagraph (A)—

(i) in the case of the 1st fiscal year under the plan, at the time the State submits its initial plan; and

(ii) in the case of each succeeding fiscal year, by the end of the 3rd quarter of the immediately preceding fiscal year;

(6) provides for such methods of administration as the Secretary finds to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan;

(7)(A) contains assurances that Federal funds provided to the State under this subpart will not be used to supplant Federal or non-Federal funds for existing services and activities which promote the purposes of this subpart; and

(B) provides that the State will furnish reports to the Secretary, at such times, in such format, and containing such information as the Secretary may require, that demonstrate the State's compliance with the prohibition contained in subparagraph (A);

(8)(A) provides that the State agency will furnish such reports, containing such information, and participate in such evaluations, as the Secretary may require; and

(B)[73] provides that, not later than June 30 of each year, the State will submit to the Secretary—

(i) copies of forms CFS 101-Part I and CFS 101-Part II (or any successor forms) that report on planned child and family services expenditures by the agency for the immediately succeeding fiscal year; and

(ii) copies of forms CFS 101-Part I and CFS 101-Part II (or any successor forms) that provide, with respect to the programs authorized under this subpart and subpart 1 and, at State option, other programs included on such forms, for the most recent preceding fiscal year for which reporting of actual expenditures is complete—

(I) the numbers of families and of children served by the State agency;

(II) the population served by the State agency;

(III) the geographic areas served by the State agency; and

(IV) the actual expenditures of funds provided to the State agency; and

(9) contains assurances that in administering and conducting service programs under the plan, the safety of the children to be served shall be of paramount concern.

(b) Approval of Plans.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary shall approve a plan that meets the requirements of subsection (a) only if the plan was developed jointly by the Secretary and the State, after consultation by the State agency with appropriate public and nonprofit private agencies and community-based organizations with experience in administering programs of services for children and families (including family preservation, family support, time-limited family reunification, and adoption promotion and support).

(2) Plans of indian tribes or tribal consortia.—

(A) Exemption from inappropriate requirements.—The Secretary may exempt a plan submitted by an Indian tribe or tribal consortium from any requirement of this section that the Secretary determines would be inappropriate to apply to the Indian tribe or tribal consortium, taking into account the resources, needs, and other circumstances of the Indian tribe or tribal consortium.

(B) Plans of indian tribes.—Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the Secretary may not approve a plan of an Indian tribe or tribal consortium under this subpart to which (but for this subparagraph) an allotment of less than $10,000 would be made under section 433(a) if allotments were made under section 433(a) to all Indian tribes and tribal consortia with plans approved under this subpart with the same or larger numbers of children.

(c) Annual Submission of State Reports to Congress.—The Secretary shall compile the reports required under subsection (a)(8)(B) and, not later than September 30 of each year, submit such compilation to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate.

[73]  P.L. 109-288, §3(e)(3), provided:

Each State with an approved plan under subpart 1 or 2 of part B of title IV of the Social Security Act shall make its initial submission of the forms required under section 432(a)(8)(B) of the Social Security Act to the Secretary of Health and Human Services by June 30, 2007, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit the first compilation required under section 432(c) of the Social Security Act by September 30, 2007.

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Last reviewed or modified Thursday May 07, 2009
