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USDA Directives

The USDA Directives system is the on-line repository of all USDA Departmental Regulations, Notices, Manuals, and Secretary Memoranda. The system can be accessed by selecting directly from the list below or by conducting a search via the USDA Search Engine, linked from the top of this page.

Graphic reading, Directives Sorted by Categories

0100- Departmental Directives System. Directives System management and operation; classification, distribution codes; and indexing.

  • DM0100-001 [PDF] (12/20/06) Procedures for Preparing Departmental Directives
  • DR0100-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/20/06) Departmental Directives System
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1000 - 1999 General Management and Administration

1000- Organization, Authorities, and Functions. Organization, statements of mission and function; delegations of authority; committees and boards; and intradepartmental relations.

  • DR1010-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/20/06) Organization
  • DR1020-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/90) National Agricultural Library
  • DR1020-002 [HTM] [PDF] (10/06/83) USDA Soil and Water Conservation Program
  • SM1020-002 [HTM] [PDF] (07/02/09) Implementing the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act
  • DR1020-004 [HTM] [PDF] (01/02/87) USDA Food and Nutrition Policy Statement
  • DR1020-005 [HTM] [PDF] (10/03/08) Native American Working Group
  • SM1030-063 [HTM] [PDF] (05/30/08) Delegation Of Authority Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000, As Amended
  • SM1030-065 [HTM] [PDF] (02/01/08) Reorganization of the Departmental Administration (DA) Office of Ethics (OE).
  • DR1041-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/08/93) Advisory Committee Management
  • DR1041-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/04/96) Diversity in Task Force and Committee Assignments
  • DR1042-019 [HTM] [PDF] (05/09/07) Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee
  • DR1042-042 [HTM] [PDF] (05/29/09) Agricultural Statistics Board
  • DR1042-053 [HTM] [PDF] (05/09/07) Plant Variety Protection Board
  • DR1042-061 [HTM] [PDF] (07/25/07) Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection
  • DR1042-068 [HTM] [PDF] (05/22/07) Advisory Committees for Trade APAC and ATACs
  • DR1042-070 [HTM] [PDF] (01/14/08) National Advisiory Council Maternal, Infant, Fetal Nutrition
  • DR1042-076 [HTM] [PDF] (10/18/00) Resource Conservation and Development Policy Advisory Board
  • DR1042-078 [HTM] [PDF] (10/30/84) Committee on Processed Foods
  • DR1042-105 [HTM] [PDF] (05/12/08) Reestablishment of Natl. Organic Standards Board (NOSB)
  • DR1042-106 [HTM] [PDF] (09/04/07) Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council
  • DR1042-110 [HTM] [PDF] (05/28/99) National Nutrition Monitoring Advisory Council
  • DR1042-119 [HTM] [PDF] (03/28/08) Advisory Committee on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
  • DR1042-123 [HTM] [PDF] (10/25/06) Adv. Comm. On Emerging Markets
  • DR1042-126 [HTM] [PDF] (10/02/08) Task Force on Agriculture Air Quality Research
  • DR1042-127 [HTM] [PDF] (09/04/07) Edward R. Madigan USDA Export Excellence Board
  • DR1042-128 [HTM] [PDF] (06/30/08) CHARTER of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
  • DR1042-130 [HTM] [PDF] (04/03/07) Advisory Committee on Agriculture Statistics
  • DR1042-133 [HTM] [PDF] (05/01/08) Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area Advisory Council
  • DR1042-135 [HTM] [PDF] (11/24/04) Land Between The Lakes Advisory Board
  • DR1042-138 [HTM] [PDF] (09/04/07) Collaborative Forest Restoration Program Technical Advisory Panel Federal Advisory Committee
  • DR1042-142 [HTM] [PDF] (09/04/07) Resource Advisory Committees For the State of Montana
  • DR1042-143 [HTM] [PDF] (03/05/07) Advisory Committee on Forest Counties Payments
  • DR1042-147 [HTM] [PDF] (03/05/07) Black Hills National Forest Advisory Board
  • DR1042-151 [HTM] [PDF] (04/03/07) Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee
  • DR1042-152 [HTM] [PDF] (10/02/08) Recreation Resource Advisory Committees
  • DR1042-153 [HTM] [PDF] (03/08/07) Committee for the Expert Review of Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.3 (CERSAP)
  • SM1042-154 [HTM] [PDF] (05/28/09) Authority to Approve Road Construction and Timber Harvesting in Certain Lands Administered by the Forest Service
  • DR1043-008 [HTM] [PDF] (10/02/08) Reestablishment of the General Conference Committee Of National Poultry Improvement Plan
  • DR1043-012 [HTM] [PDF] (01/11/83) The Food and Agriculture Council
  • DR1043-018 [HTM] [PDF] (06/30/05) USDA Dam Safety Committee
  • DR1043-019 [HTM] [PDF] (01/12/09) Grain Inspection Advisory Committee
  • DR1043-027 [HTM] [PDF] (11/13/07) Renewal of National Wildlife Services Advisory Committee
  • DR1043-028 [HTM] [PDF] (06/05/08) National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Food
  • DR1043-031 [HTM] [PDF] (08/07/07) Reestablishment of Advisory Committee on Foreign Animal and Poultry Diseases
  • DR1043-037 [HTM] [PDF] (06/05/08) Advisory Committees to the PIECS
  • DR1043-040 [HTM] [PDF] (07/01/96) Working Capital Fund Activities
  • DR1043-044 [HTM] [PDF] (08/05/08) Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee
  • DR1043-049 [HTM] [PDF] (01/16/09) Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture (AC21) Charter
  • DR1044-003 [HTM] [PDF] (08/24/84) Agency and Liaison Membership Committees
  • DR1044-004 [HTM] [PDF] (07/10/85) Subcommittee on Food and Fitness
  • DR1044-006 [HTM] [PDF] (05/22/91) USDA Forest Resources Coordinating Committee
  • DR1044-007 [HTM] [PDF] (05/23/94) Coordination of Nutrition Research & Education
  • DR1051-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/13/05) Coordination of USDA Activities with Foreign Countries
  • DR1051-002 [HTM] [PDF] (12/22/04) International Activities and Agreements of USDA Agencies
  • SM1053-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/01/08) Delegations of Authority Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
  • SM1054-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/21/08) Delegation of Authority Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (ICSP)
  • SM1055-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/01/08) Delegation of Authority Section 9008 ("Biomass Research and Development") of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. § 8108) and Section 251(f) of the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994
  • SM1056-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/15/08) Establishment of the Office of Ecosystem Services and Markets
  • DR1058-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/16/09) USDA Sustainable Operations Council – Implementing Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management

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1100- Management Improvement Policies and Procedures.

  • DR1110-002 [HTM] [PDF] (04/14/04) Management Accountability and Control
  • DM1110-002 [HTM] [PDF] (11/29/02) USDA Management Control Manual

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1200- Program Planning and Evaluation.

  • DM1260-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/12/02) Legislative Reports and Proposals

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1300 -External Relations. Policies regarding relations with the Executive and Legislative branches, other Federal entities, state and local governments, public and special interest groups, industrial and commercial organizations, professional societies and associations, and educational institutions.

  • DR1312-002 [HTM] [PDF] (07/17/86) Merit Systems Protection Board
  • DR1314-002 [HTM] [PDF] (01/25/84) Memorandum Between USDA and Defense
  • DR1340-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/07/83) Memorandum Between USDA and Defense
  • DR1340-002 [HTM] [PDF] (08/06/91) USDA Services on Indian Reservations
  • DR1340-007 [HTM] [PDF] (03/14/08) Policies on American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • DR1350-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/11/08) Tribal Consultation
  • DR1390-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/15/85) Implementation of Executive Order 12320

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1400- Public Affairs. Policies on publishing in any media.

  • DR1410-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/03) Publications Review/Clearance Policy
  • DR1420-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/10/88) Composition and Printing
  • DR1440-002 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/03) Communications Coordination and Review Policy
  • DR1470-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/03) Policy for Visual Communication Standards
  • DR1480-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/03) Photography Policy
  • DR1490-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/03) Broadcast Media and Technology Policy

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1500 - Legal Affairs and Proceedings. Coordination and clearance services; legal proceedings; and employee involvement in legal proceedings.

  • DR1512-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/14/97) Regulatory Decision making Requirements
  • DR1530-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/23/83) Jury Service by Department Employees

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1600 - Facilities and Space Management. Includes space planning, parking, utilities, conference rooms, auditoriums, and vendor services.

  • DR1600-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/04/02) Posting Office Hours - Field Locations
  • DR1600-002 [HTM] [PDF] (04/04/02) Posting of Notices and Information Bulletins
  • DR1615-001 [HTM] [PDF] (11/13/81) SF-146, Changes in Telephone Listings
  • DR1620-002 [HTM] [PDF] (05/17/04) USDA Space Management Policy
  • DR1620-002 [PDF] (05/17/04) USDA Space Management Policy Amendment 1
  • DR1630-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/04/02) Alcohol and Narcotics in USDA Occupied Space
  • DR1633-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/08/94) Parking - USDA Headquarters Complex
  • DR1650-001 [HTM] [PDF] (08/13/85) Headquarters Entrance/Exit Alarms/Special Locks
  • DR1650-002 [HTM] [PDF] (10/07/92) Building Safety/Security Emergency Program

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1700- Investigations and Audits.

  • SM1700-002 [HTM] [PDF] (12/12/07) Procedures For Handling Hotline Complaints Against Senior Executive Service Officials
  • DR1700-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/17/97) OIG Organization and Procedures
  • DR1710-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/06/84) Interception and Monitoring of Conversations
  • DR1720-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/22/02) Audit Follow-up and Final Actions

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1800- Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning.

  • DR1800-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/28/01) Departmental Emergency Programs Responsibilities
  • DR1800-001 Amendment 1 [HTM] [PDF] (12/21/04) Amendment to Departmental Emergency Programs Responsibilities

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2000 - 2999 Budget and Finance

2000- Budget Development, Presentation and Execution.

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2100 - Financial Management/Accounting.

  • DR2100-001 [HTM] [PDF] (11/30/05) Financial Management Systems
  • DR2100-002 [HTM] [PDF] (02/12/97) Taxpayer's Identification Numbers
  • DR2100-003 [PDF] (01/23/02) OCFO Biennial Review of Charges for Things of Value (Amended page 5)
  • DR2100-003-01 [HTM] [PDF] (08/01/05) Amendment to OCFO Biennial Review of Charges for Things of Value
  • DR2120-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/23/84) Cash Management
  • DR2130-004 [HTM] [PDF] (11/27/06) IRS Reporting Requirements on Indebtedness
  • DR2130-005 [HTM] [PDF] (11/27/06) Debt Collection
  • DR2130-006 [HTM] [PDF] (08/14/91) Debt Collection - Uncollectible Claims

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2200- Fiscal Management.

  • DR2200-002 [HTM] [PDF] (12/24/03) Property, Plant and Equipment
  • DR2200-004 [HTM] [PDF] (04/17/86) Fiscal Liability for Improper Acts
  • DR2230-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/21/09) Reviews of Unliquidated Obligations
  • DR2250-1 [HTM] [PDF] (08/11/03) Imprest Fund Authorities and Requirements
  • DR2270-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/27/03) Irregularities Affecting Accounts of Officers

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2300- Travel and Transportation.

  • DM2300-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/01/08) Agriculture Travel Regulation
  • DR2300-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/20/03) Government Travel Card Regulation
  • DR2300-002 [HTM] [PDF] (05/31/07) USDA Relocation Allowance Regulation
  • DR2300-004 [HTM] [PDF] (03/06/06) USDA Evacuation Policies and Procedures

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2400- Federal Assistance. Loans, grants, educational institutions, state and local governments.

  • DR2400-005 [HTM] [PDF] (11/13/90) SF LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
  • DR2401-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/18/08) USDA Intramural Research Misconduct Policies and Guidelines

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2500- Claims. Against U.S., debt claims, damage/loss of property, irregularities, waivers

  • DR2510-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/25/95) Claims Against the United States
  • DR2510-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/12/85) Claims Against the United States Which Must Be Submitted to GAO
  • DR2520-001 [HTM] [PDF] (11/27/06) Interest Rate on Delinquent Debts
  • DR2570-002 [HTM] [PDF] (01/05/01) Waiver Employee Claims From Erroneous Payment

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2600- Pay and Allowances. Internal controls, principles and standards, special allowances.

  • DR2600-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/21/90) Taxation of Fringe Benefits
  • DR2610-002 [HTM] [PDF] (04/23/87) Distribution of Salary Checks

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3000 - 3400 Information Resources Management

3000 - Records Management. Directives, forms, files, records disposition, Public Paperwork burden control, mail and correspondence management.

  • DM3020-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/16/91) Departmental Forms Manual
  • DR3050-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/28/96) Mail Management
  • DR3050-002 [HTM] [PDF] (12/21/83) Private Express Statute Violations
  • DR3050-003 [HTM] [PDF] (10/16/84) Penalty Mail Stamp System
  • DR3060-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/26/89) USDA Correspondence Management Regulation
  • DR3080-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/11/07) Records Management
  • DR3090-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/28/08) Litigation Retention Policy for Documentary Materials including Electronically Stored Information
  • DR3099-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/02/09) Records Management Policy for Departing Employees, Contractors, Volunteers and Political Appointees

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3100 - Management of Information Resources. Planning, standards, approvals, security, review and evaluation.

  • DR3100-002 [HTM] [PDF] (12/13/83) Agency IRM Review Board
  • DR3111-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/02/89) Departmental Long-Range IRM Planning
  • DR3130-006 [HTM] [PDF] (05/01/08) Information Technology Earned Value Management
  • DR3140-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/15/96) USDA Information Systems Security Policy
  • DR3140-002 [HTM] [PDF] (03/07/95) USDA Internet Security Policy
  • DR3150-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/05/06) Internet Domain Name Policy
  • DR3160-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/29/07) Computer Software Piracy
  • DR3170-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/12/07) End User Workstation Standards
  • DR3180-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/30/08) Infromation Technology Network Standards

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3300 - Telecommunications Management.

  • DR3300-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Telecommunications & Internet Services and Use
  • DR3300-1-A [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Long Distance and International Telephone Service
  • DR3300-1-B [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Telephone Use
  • DR3300-1-C [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Wireless Communications
  • DR3300-1-D [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Secure Telephone
  • DR3300-1-E [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Video Teleconferencing
  • DR3300-1-F [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Electronic Messaging And Voice Mail
  • DR3300-1-G [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Sharing Of Telecommunications Resources
  • DR3300-1-H [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Open Systems Addressing
  • DR3300-1-I [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Internet
  • DR3300-1-J [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications
  • DR3300-1-K [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Building Telecommunications Cabling
  • DR3300-1-L [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Local Telecommunications Services
  • DR3300-1-M [HTM] [PDF] (03/23/99) Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses
  • DR3300-004 [HTM] [PDF] (11/03/06) Use of Department -Controlled Mailing Lists for Electronic Distribution of Employee Notices

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3400- Information Management

  • DR3410-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/06/09) Information Collection Activities-Collection of Information from the Public
  • DR3430-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/19/04) Web Site Development and Maintenance
  • DR3440-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/09/08) USDA Classified
  • DM3440-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/01/08) USDA Classified National Security Information Program Manual
  • DR3440-002 [HTM] [PDF] (01/30/03) Control and Protection of “Sensitive Security Information”
  • DR3450-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/17/84) Computer Matching Projects
  • DR3450-002 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/03) FOIA Implementing Regulations

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3500 - 3599 Cyber Security

  • DM3500-000 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) USDA Cyber Security Manual Series 3500
  • DM3500-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) Special Instruction Publication #1
  • DM3500-002 [HTM] [PDF] (08/19/04) Special Instruction Publication #2
  • DM3500-003 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Special Instruction Publication #3
  • DM3500-004 [HTM] [PDF] (03/31/05) Special Instruction Publication #4
  • DM3500-006 [HTM] [PDF] (05/11/05) Special Instruction Publication #6
  • DM3500-007 [HTM] [PDF] (05/27/05) Special Instruction Publication #7
  • DM3500-008 [HTM] [PDF] (10/18/05) Special Instruction Publication #8
  • DM3505-000 [HTM] [PDF] (03/20/06) USDA Computer Incident Response Procedures
  • DM3505-001 [HTM] [PDF] (03/20/06) USDA Cyber Security Incident Handling Procedures
  • DM3510-000 [HTM] [PDF] (08/19/04) USDA Information Technology (IT) Restricted Space
  • DM3510-001 [HTM] [PDF] (08/19/04) Physical Security Standards for Information Technology (IT) Restricted Space
  • DM3515-000 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Privacy Requirements
  • DM3515-001 [HTM] [PDF] (08/19/04) Collection of Web Page Cookies and Privacy Requirements
  • DM3515-002 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Privacy Impact Assessment
  • DM3520-000 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) Configuration Management
  • DM3520-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/17/04) CM Policy & Responsibilities, Chapter 4, Part 1
  • DM3525-000 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) USDA Internet and E-mail Security
  • DM3525-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) USDA Internet Access Security for Private Internet Service Providers
  • DM3525-002 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) USDA Internet Use and Copyright Restrictions
  • DM3525-003 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Telework & Remote Access Security
  • DM3530-000 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) USDA Security Protection
  • DM3530-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/20/05) USDA Vulnerability Scan Procedures
  • DM3530-001-01 [HTM] [PDF] (07/20/05) Amendment Number 1 to Departmental Manual
  • DM3530-002 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) USDA IBM/IBM Compatible Mainframe Security
  • DM3530-003 [HTM] [PDF] (07/15/04) USDA Use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • DM3530-004 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Firewall Technical Security Standards
  • DM3530-005 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Encryption Security Standards
  • DM3535-000 [HTM][PDF] (05/11/05) C2 Controlled Access Protection–General Information
  • DM3535-001 [HTM][PDF] (02/17/05) USDA's C2 Level of Trust
  • DM3535-002 [HTM][PDF] (05/11/05) Chapter 7, Part 2 Patch Management and Systems Updates
  • DM3540-000 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Risk Management Program
  • DM3540-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Risk Assessment Methodology
  • DM3540-002 [HTM] [PDF] (08/19/04) Risk Assessment and Security Checklists
  • DM3545-000 [HTM] [PDF] (03/27/06) Personnel Security
  • DM3545-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Computer Security and Training Chapter 9, Pt. 1
  • DM3545-002 [HTM] [PDF] (03/21/06) USDA Information Systems Security Program Chapter 9, Pt. 2
  • DM3550-000 [HTM] [PDF] (02/08/06) Information Technology Systems
  • DM3550-002 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) Information Protection
  • DM3550-003 [HTM] [PDF] (02/08/06) Portable Electronic Devices and Wireless Technology
  • DM3555-000 [HTM] [PDF] (10/18/05) Certification and Accreditation of Information Systems
  • DM3555-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/18/05) Certification and Accreditation Methodology
  • DM3560-000 [HTM][PDF] (02/17/05) Capital Planning & Investment Control (CPIC) for Security
  • DM3560-001 [HTM][PDF] (02/17/05) Security Requirements for CPIC
  • DM3565-000 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Cyber Security Plans
  • DM3565-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/17/05) Annual Security Plan Guide for IT Systems
  • DM3570-000 [HTM][PDF] (02/17/05) IT Contingency and Disaster Planning
  • DM3570-001 [HTM][PDF] (02/17/05) Disaster Recovery and Business Resumption Plans
  • DM3575-000 [HTM][PDF] (05/27/05) Security Controls
  • DM3575-001 [HTM][PDF] (05/27/05) Security Controls in the System Life Cycle/System Development Life Cycle
  • DM3595-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/16/05) USDA Cyber Security Manual Series 3500 Appendix A Glossary
  • DM3595-002 [HTM] [PDF] (03/31/05) CS Legal and Regulatory References

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3600 - 3699 Information and Technology Transformation

  • DR3600-000 [HTM] [PDF] (11/02/04) USDA Information and Technology Transformation
  • DR3610-001 [HTM] [PDF] (11/04/04) USDA eAuthentication Service
  • DR3620-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/29/04) USDA eLearning Services, Courseware and Content
  • DR3630-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/01/05) USDA Enterprise Shared Services (ESS)

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3900 - Service Center Technology Modernization Project (SCTMP) Information Technology (IT) Policy Issuances

3900 - Technology (IT) Policy Issuances. Policies regarding infrastructure Information Technology (IT) activities of the Service Center Agencies (SCA) affecting the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Rural Development mission area, and OCIO International Technology Services (ITS).

  • DR3900-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/15/05) Service Center Technology Modernization Project (SCTMP) Information Technology (IT) Policy Issuances
  • DR3901-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/27/08) Service Center Technology Modernization Project (SCTMP) Space Standards for International Technology Services (ITS) Personnel at Service Center Agencies (SCA)
  • DR3902-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/30/09) Service Center Technology Modernization Project (SCTMP) Wiring/Cabling Specifications for Service Center Agencies’ (SCA) Computer Rooms

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4000 - 4999 - Human Resources Management

  • DR4020-251 [HTM] [PDF] (07/27/05) Associations of Management Officials and / or Supervisors and Other Organizations
  • DR4020-251-01 [HTM] [PDF] (07/27/05) Welfare and Recreation Organizations
  • DR4020-250-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/22/06) USDA Human Capital Accountability System
  • DR4030-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/23/03) Section 508 Implementation - Final Guidance
  • DR4030-330-01 [HTM] [PDF] (08/05/05) Special Placement Program
  • DR4040-412-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/12/06) Leadership Competency Framework
  • DR4040-430 [HTM] [PDF] (10/01/07) Performance Management
  • DR4040-451 [HTM] [PDF] (02/14/02) Criteria for Career Service Recognition
  • DR4040-451-02 [HTM] [PDF] (09/09/02) Criteria for Secretary's Annual Honor Awards
  • DR4040-451-03 [HTM] [PDF] (08/26/02) Criteria for Time Off Awards
  • DR4040-451-04 [HTM] [PDF] (11/18/05) Referral Bonus Awards
  • DR4050-537 [HTM] [PDF] (09/01/04) Repayment of Student Loans
  • DR4050-550-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/20/08) Pay Administration - Compensatory Time Off for Travel
  • DM4050-575 [HTM] [PDF] (06/10/03) Recruitment, Relocation and Retention Payments
  • DN4050-575-003 [HTM] [PDF] (04/07/09) Extension of
    Authority for Recruitment, Relocation and
    Retention Payments
  • DR4060-001 [HTM] [PDF] (02/07/02) Professional Liability Insurance Program
  • DR4060-630-001 [HTM] [PDF] (08/08/07) Creditable Service for Annual Leave Accrual
  • DR4070-711 [HTM] [PDF] (02/21/02) Labor Relations
  • DR4070-711-01 [HTM] [PDF] (08/23/05) Labor and Employee Relations Automated Case Tracking System (LERACTRS)
  • DR4070-735-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/04/07) Employee Responsibilities and Conduct
  • DR4080-811-01 [PDF] (08/23/02) USDA Child Care Tuition Assistance Program
  • DR4080-811-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/02/05) Teleworking Program
  • DR4080-811-3 [HTM] [PDF] (09/5/03) Child Care Centers
  • DR4080-811-4 [HTM] [PDF] (12/7/04) Commuter Transit Subsidy Benefits Program
  • DR4090-920 [HTM] [PDF] (03/07/03) Senior Scientific Research Service
  • DR4120-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/18/98) Annual Departmental Civil Rights Training
  • DR4120-002 [HTM] [PDF] (11/04/98) Training for Supervisors, Managers, Executives
  • DR4200-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/31/00) Workplace Violence Prevention Program
  • DR4230-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/04/97) Volunteer Programs
  • DR4230-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/04/09) Special Emphasis Programs
  • DM4300-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/20/01) EEO Complaint Processing Procedures
  • DM4300-002 [HTM] [PDF] (07/05/02) Reasonable Accommodation Procedures
  • DR4300-002 [HTM] [PDF] (10/18/84) Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Plan
  • DR4300-003 [HTM] [PDF] (01/08/01) Equal Opportunity Public Policy
  • DR4300-4 [HTM] [PDF] (05/30/03) Civil Rights Impact Analysis
  • DR4300-005 [HTM] [PDF] (01/14/98) Agency Civil Rights Programs
  • DR4300-006 [HTM] [PDF] (06/30/00) Civil Rights Policy
  • DR4300-007 [HTM] [PDF] (03/03/99) Processing EEO Complaints of Discrimination
  • DR4300-008 [HTM] [PDF] (03/09/00) Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants with Disabilities
  • DR4300-009 [HTM] [PDF] (01/09/01) Equal Employment Opportunity Complaints Where a Departmental Senior Civil Rights Official is the Responsible Management Official
  • DR4300-010 [HTM] [PDF] (01/18/06) Civil Rights Accountability Policy and Procedures
  • DM4310-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/24/91) Instructions for Preparing AEP Plans, Accomplishment Reports, and Updates
  • DM4330-001 [HTM] [PDF] (10/18/01) Procedures for Processing Discrimination Complaints and Conducting Civil Rights Compliance Reviews in USDA Conducted Programs and Activities
  • DR4330-002 [HTM] [PDF] (03/03/99) Activities Receiving USDA Financial Assistance
  • DR4330-003 [HTM] [PDF] (03/03/99) Nondiscrimination in Programs and Activities
  • DR4360-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/14/98) Communicating With Under-served Communities
  • DR4360-002 [HTM] [PDF] (08/08/01) Coordination of Requests for USDA Support for Outreach Related Activities
  • DR4400-005 [HTM] [PDF] (10/16/95) Radiation Safety Program
  • DR4400-006 [HTM] [PDF] (12/16/96) USDA Smoking Policy
  • DR4400-007 [HTM] [PDF] (05/19/06) Biological Safety Program
  • DR4410-004 [HTM] [PDF] (11/18/05) Safety Management Program
  • DR4430-002 [PDF] (06/14/93) Wellness Program
  • DR4430-003 [HTM] [PDF] (01/08/01) Workers' Compensation Program
  • DR4430-792-1 [HTM] [PDF] (08/01/03) Employee Assistance Program
  • DR4430-792-2 [HTM] [PDF] (08/25/03) Drug Free Workplace Program
  • DR4600-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/04/08) USDA Personnel Security Clearance Program
  • DR4600-002 [HTM] [PDF] (02/11/02) Procedures for Denial or Revocation For Access to National Security Information
  • DR4610-001 [HTM] [PDF] (07/16/91) Security Screening Unit Procedures
  • DM4620-002 [HTM] [PDF] (01/14/09) Common Identification Standard for U.S. Department of Agriculture Employees and Contractors
  • DR4620-002 [HTM] [PDF] (01/14/09) Common Identification Standard for U.S. Department of Agriculture Employees and Contractors
  • DR4710-001 [HTM] [PDF] (04/05/06) Alternative Dispute Resolution

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5000 - 5999- Property and Resource Management

  • DR5000-004 [HTM] [PDF] (09/10/97) Legal Review of Contractual Actions
  • DR5001-001 [HTM] [PDF] (09/30/03) Acquisition Workforce Training, Delegation and Tracking System
  • DR5013-006 [HTM] [PDF] (02/13/03) Use of Purchase Card and Convenience Check
  • DR5023-002 [HTM] [PDF] (04/20/05) Biobased Products Procurement Program
  • DR5039-007 [HTM] [PDF] (09/18/98) Procurement Authority for IT
  • DR5080-001 [HTM] [PDF] (05/23/07) USDA and the AbilityOne Program: Increasing Achievements and Setting Department Goals
  • DR5090-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/14/07) USDA Small Business Programs - Full Small Business Participation & Clearance Process for Contracts Not Set-aside or Reserved for Small Business Participation
  • DR5090-002 [HTM] [PDF] (07/01/98) Annual Preference Program Goals
  • DR5090-003 [HTM] [PDF] (10/09/98) Annual Procurement Forecast Requirements
  • DR5090-005 [HTM] [PDF] (09/26/06) USDA Small Business Programs - Contracting with Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
  • DR5100-002 [HTM] [PDF] (06/07/07) Real Property Leasing Officer Warrant System
  • DR5160-001 [HTM] [PDF] (11/25/02) Official Seal of the Department
  • DR5160-002 [HTM] [PDF] (04/04/02) Memorials, Plaques, and Cornerstones
  • DR5160-003 [HTM] [PDF] (11/25/02) Identification Signs
  • DR5160-005 [HTM] [PDF] (04/28/08) Display and Use of the Flag
  • DR5200-001 [PDF] (04/09/84) Personal Property Management Property Passes
  • DR5200-002 [HTM] [PDF] (05/13/85) Central Shipping and Receiving
  • DR5200-003 [HTM] [PDF] (04/18/03) Gift Acceptance Policy
  • SM5200-003 [HTM] [PDF] (01/12/09) Authorization to Use Development Services to Solicit Funding for the Construction of a Chinese Garden at the U.S. National Arboretum
  • DR5300-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/04/92) Central Supply Stores
  • DR5400-005 [HTM] [PDF] (01/22/96) Use of Government Vehicle for Home-to-Work
  • DR5400-006 [HTM] [PDF] (03/06/09) Use of Fleet Charge Card and Alternative Payment Methods
  • DR5500-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/19/06) USDA Facilities Energy and Water Conservation and Utilities Management
  • DM5600-001 [HTM] [PDF] (11/18/04) Environmental Pollution, Prevention, Control, and Abatement Manual
  • DR5600-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/01/90) Departmental Gypsy Moth Policy
  • DR5600-002 [HTM] [PDF] (12/15/97) Environmental Justice
  • DR5600-003 [HTM] [PDF] (12/20/06) USDA Roles in Market-Based Environmental Stewardship
  • DR5700-001 [HTM] [PDF] (01/10/83) Patents

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6000 - 8999 Reserved

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9000 - 9999 Program Areas

  • DR9400-002 [HTM] [PDF] (11/08/93) Rural Telephone Bank
  • DM9500-001 [HTM] [PDF] (12/22/93) Conservation Reporting and Evaluation System (CRES)
  • DR9500-002 [HTM] [PDF] (03/07/83) Agriculture Pesticide Impact Assessment Program
  • DR9500-003 [HTM] [PDF] (03/22/83) Land Use Policy
  • DR9500-004 [HTM] [PDF] (04/28/08) Fish and Wildlife Policy
  • DR9500-005 [HTM] [PDF] (04/21/88) Ecological Sciences, SCS
  • DR9500-007 [HTM] [PDF] (12/05/86) USDA Non-point Source Water Quality Policy
  • DR9500-008 [HTM] [PDF] (11/09/87) USDA Policy For Ground Water Quality
  • DR9500-011 [HTM] [PDF] (06/30/05) Coordination of Environmental Policy
  • DR9600-002 [HTM] [PDF] (08/26/02) Biobased Products and Bioenergy Coordination Council
  • DM9610-001 [HTM] [PDF] (08/30/02) USDA Security Policies and Procedures for Biosafety Level-3 Facilities
  • DM9610-002 [PDF] (04/30/03) USDA Security Policies and Procedures for Laboratories and Technical Facilities (Excluding Biosafety Level (BSL)-3 Facilities)
  • DR9630-001 [HTM] [PDF] (06/18/09) USDA Policies and Procedures on Biohazardous Waste Decontamination, Management, and Quality Controls at Laboratories and Technical Facilities
  • DR9700-001 [HTM] [PDF] (08/03/06) Small Farms and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Policy

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Last Modified: 07/29/2009

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