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Work Disability, Work, and Justification Bias in Europe and the U.S.
by Arie Kapteyn, James P. Smith and Arthur van Soest

Financial Literacy among the Young
by Annamaria Lusardi, Olivia S. Mitchell and Vilsa Curto

Extending Life Cycle Models of Optimal Portfolio Choice: Integrating ...
by Jing Jing Chai, Wolfram J. Horneff, Raimond H. Maurer and Olivia S. Mitchell

Retirement in a Life Cycle Model of Labor Supply with Home Production ...
by Richard Rogerson and Johanna Wallenius

The Efficiency of Pension Menus and Individual Portfolio Choice in 401 ...
by Ning Tang, Olivia S. Mitchell, Gary R. Mottola and Stephen P. Utkus

Social Security Rules and Labor Force Participation of Older Workers: ...
by Alejandra Cox Edwards and Estelle James

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MRRC researcher Olivia Mitchell was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio on 9/2/09 on the topic "Investment Irrationality and How to Manage It."

The annual meeting of the Retirement Research Consortium was held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on August 10-11, 2009.  Conference papers have been posted at http://www.nber.org/2009rrc/.

On March 20, the MRRC co-hosted the conference Financial Literacy in Times of Turmoil and Retirement Insecurity.

Overcoming the Saving Slump: How to Increase the Effectiveness of Financial Education and Saving Programs, a new book edited by Annamaria Lusardi, is now available through the University of Chicago Press. 

View the current MRRC newsletter.

The MRRC exhibits at professional conferences throughout the year.  See details on our events page.

Read about the Origins of the Retirement Research Consortium (RRC) here.


The University of Michigan Retirement Research Center is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Social Security Administration as part of its Retirement Research Consortium.
