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Corporate Reporting Databases

The Corporate Reporting Databases provide Web-based systems and data analysis documents to facilitate access to data on occurrences, accidents, illnesses, exposures, environmental impacts, performance, and compliance.  Database access is restricted to authorized DOE staff and contractors.  To register for database access, please visit the database web site at the link below and submit an access request. Once your request is approved, you will receive a user ID and password which will allow you to access the database.

  • Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS): The CATS web-based database is used to enter, track, and report the status of corrective actions developed and implemented in the DOE Corrective Action Management Program (CAMP) to effectively resolve and prevent recurrence of reported findings. The web-site includes guidance for accessing, reviewing and editing the database. Contact: Larry McCabe, HS-31
  • DOE Corporate Lessons Learned (LL): The DOE Corporate Lessons Learned database is a web-based lessons learned (LL) system designed to facilitate the sharing of lessons learned and best practices in a consistent and timely manner across the complex to prevent recurrence of significant adverse operational events and trends and to improve performance. Contact: Sharon Brown
  • Fire Protection: DOE O-231.1, Environment, Safety, And Health Reporting, requires the submission of an Annual Fire Protection Summary. Data collection and a commitment has been made to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board to collect information and make it available utilizing a standard systematic approach. This approach is accomplished via a web-based system which will allow reporting organizations to enter or edit information. Use of the web interface requires registration.
  • Noncompliance Tracking System (NTS): The NTS is a database for DOE contractors to report unsafe actions or conditions that possibly violate nuclear safety requirements for protecting workers and the public. The contractor line management tracks to closure the corrective actions in each report to prevent recurrence. The corrective actions are approved by both DOE field office personnel and investigators in the Office of Price-Anderson Enforcement. Contact: Lisa German, HS-42
  • Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS): This system provides timely notification to the DOE complex of events that could adversely affect public or DOE worker health and safety, the environment, national security, DOE's safeguards and security interests, functioning of DOE facilities, or the Department's reputation. Contact: Jeannie Boyle, HS-32
  • Pollution Prevention (P2):  This site announces P2-related news and developments, as well as providing a convenient on-line reporting system to the DOE sites and program offices. Contact: Josh Silverman, HS-21
  • Radiation Exposure Monitoring System (REMS):  The REMS database tracks occupational radiation exposures for all monitored DOE employees, contractors, subcontractors and members of the public. A password is not needed to access this database. Contact: Nimi Rao, HS-32



This page was last updated on July 24, 2009
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