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The Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) was created to bring the vital Department of Energy (DOE) corporate functions of health, safety, environment, and security together under one office. To ensure effective coordination of these functions, HSS focuses on policy development, technical assistance, education and training, enforcement, and independent oversight programs. To provide consistency across the Department, HSS maintains a close working relationship with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Under Secretaries of Energy and Science, line managers, and the Department's field sites.

Message from Glenn S. Podonsky,
Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer

The new administration has brought about new opportunities and challenges within the Federal government and the Department of Energy. Nevertheless the fundamental missions associated with health, safety, security, and environmental protection will remain basically the same. As in past administrations, the nation's leaders have repeatedly emphasized the need for a safe and secure work environment for all Federal and contractor employees. In this light, the important programs and initiatives associated with the responsibilities of the Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) will continue as before with continuing emphasis on increased collaboration and sharing of information, as well as on operational and organizational effectiveness. HSS will continue to enhance cooperation with other Federal organizations in strengthening our Nation's security posture, partner with the Defense and intelligence communities for deployment of proven security technologies, integrate the classified information security and worker health and safety enforcement programs into a more established nuclear safety enforcement process, and maintain our relationships with the Labor Department and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to increase the effectiveness of programs addressing the health care of former nuclear workers. HSS also will continue to conduct comprehensive independent oversight inspections of Department performance in the areas of safeguards and security, cyber security, emergency management, and environment, safety and health. In addition, we will continue to reach out to departmental program offices, employee trade unions, professional associations, and other stakeholders to establish and strengthen lines of communication, seek feedback, and identify areas of interest and concern. With the continued support of Department management, our stakeholders, and the Congress, HSS will continue to expand on its accomplishments over the last few years and further strengthen the Department's health, safety, environment, and security functions to better ensure that all departmental workers, the public, and our national security assets are both safe and secure.

FOCUS ON: 2009 DOE/NNSA Annual Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Workshop Goes International: This year, the 2009 DOE/NNSA Annual Integrated Safety Management (ISM) workshop will include representatives from Sellafield Laboratories in the United Kingdom and the Chalk River Labs of Atomic Energy of Canada. This years workshop will be held on August 24-27,2009, at the Knoxville Convention Center, in Knoxville, Tennessee. The Workshop is sponsored by the DOE Oak Ridge Office and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Y-12 Site Office. Corporate sponsors include B&W Y-12, Bechtel Jacobs Company (BJC), EnergX, Isotek Systems, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), UT/Battelle - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and Wackenhut Services, Inc. (WSI). Read More...
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This page was last updated on August 7, 2009
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