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Breitling Orbiter 3 Gondola Goddard Rockets (1926, 1941) XP-59A Mariner 2 Viking Lander Pershing II SS-20 Lunar Touchrock North American X-15 Pioneer 10 Explorer 1 Sputnik 1 Apollo 11 Gemini IV Mercury "Friendship 7" Bell X-1 Ryan NYP "Spirit of St. Louis" 1903 Wright Flyer
  Apollo 11 Command Module
Lunar Touchrock
One of a collection of rocks returned from the Apollo manned missions to the Moon.
Date of Milestone:
Lunar Basalt returned by Apollo 17 Astronauts
Artifact Location*:
Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum, Milestones of Flight Gallery

This lunar sample was cut from a rock collected on the surface of the Moon during the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. Found near the landing site in the Valley of Taurus-Littrow, it is an iron-rich, fine-textured volcanic rock called basalt. It is nearly 4 billion years old.

Study of about 382 kilograms (840 pounds) of lunar materials returned on six Apollo missions confirmed the absence of life on the Moon. The rocks have provided information on the Moon's chemistry, environment, and geologic evolution.
Lent by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

More Information:
Apollo Moon Rocks - Curator's Choice Online

1969 Apollo 11 Command Module | Milestones of Flight | 1976 Viking Lander

©National Air and Space Museum