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Protect the Environment: Think Globally

Learn about environmental issues that impact our world.


Questions and Answers on Ozone Depletion - This page answers some basic questions about the ozone layer and the problem of ozone depletion. Click here for more about the Science of Ozone Depletion.

Ozone-Good Up High, Bad Nearby - This document explains how ozone, when it occurs close to Earth's surface, is a prime ingredient in smog and can be harmful to breathe.

Acid Rain - This web page provides information about acid rain's causes and effects, how we measure acid rain, and what is being done to solve the problem.

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Climate Change

Climate Change Site - EPA's Climate Change Site offers comprehensive information on the issue of climate change.

Climate Change and Waste - Everyone knows that reducing waste is good for the environment. What most don't know is that solid waste reduction and recycling help stop global climate change by decreasing the amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gases that are linked to everyday trash. This page will help you explore the connection between solid waste and climate change.

El Niño - This site provides information on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's responsibilities for providing El Niño forecasts to the Nation, and a leadership role in sponsoring El Niño observations and research.

EPA's Clean Energy Site - Clean energy is energy derived from highly efficient, clean technologies, including renewable, "green" power, and combined heat and power. The EPA’s Clean Energy Programs are designed to improve the national foundation of information on Clean Energy by creating networks between the public and private sector, providing technical assistance, and offering recognition of environmental leaders that adopt Clean Energy practices.

Effects of climate change observed by scientists include sea level rise and shrinking glaciers, like the one shown here.


Resources for Concerned Citizens

United We Serve - Serve.gov Search for volunteer opportunities in your community at Serve.gov

Learn about Your Right to Know

Right-to-know laws provide information about possible chemical exposures. Discover resources EPA provides the public in the spirit of right-to-know.

Learn about your right to know >>

Search for and Comment on Regulations

Our proposed regulations are almost always open to the public for comment. Your participation leads to better regulations.

Search for and comment on regulations >>

At Home and in the Garden

Tips for home safety, avoiding potential risks, and preventing pollution by recycling and conserving water and energy.

Protect the environment at home and in your garden >>

At Work

Information about preventing pollution in your workplace, and raising awareness of health and safety issues.

Keep work environments safe >>

On the Road

Consumer information about the environmental impacts of transportation plus tips on cleaner cars, saving gas and improving mileage, boating pollution prevention tips, and more.

Learn about the environmental impacts of transportation >>

At School

Whether you are a student or a teacher in a class about the environment, EPA has lots of educational resources to offer you.

Keep school environments safe >>

While Shopping

Find helpful information on how to choose purchases that will reduce pollution, save energy and money.

Learn to be an environmentally-savvy shopper >>

In Your Community

Learn how to protect your neighborhood's natural resources, and get information on air and water quality in your community.

Protect the environment in your community >>

Think Globally, Act Locally

Learn about environmental issues that impact our world, and about programs, opportunities, and tools to help you get involved and make a difference in your community.

More on thinking globally and acting locally >>

Report a Violation or Emergency

Information on potential environmental violations and how to report a suspicious situation. To report oil and chemical spills, call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.

Learn how to report violations and emergencies | Information on natural disasters >>

Children's Health

Information on how to protect children from toxins, the sun, lead, and other potential environmental health threats.

More on children's health >>