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HRB Oregon for providers




The Health Record Bank of Oregon (HRB Oregon) promises to transform Oregon’s medical assistance system. It will complement the online advancements available in Oregon’s current Immunization ALERT system, and the replacement Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) coming in 2008.


Provider participation in encouraging and supporting OHP clients to access, discuss and share their medical information with their health care providers will be an important factor in HRB Oregon’s success.


For providers, DMAP’s goals for HRB Oregon include:


A new channel of information   


When HRB Oregon begins operations, it will support and supplement the existing information sources that physicians, hospitals and others already access. HRB Oregon will serve two purposes:

  • To gather information from existing sources into one secure, central home on the Web. This will allow providers to develop different models of care for each client as appropriate, including team-based coordination models.
  • To give the patient direct access to HRB Oregon, allowing the patient to share this information with providers in situations where that information would otherwise be unavailable.

The information available through HRB Oregon will go beyond a standard paper chart. The history available on HRB Oregon will follow the client and be available whether the client is in another office, city or state.


A way to fill in the gap


Missing patient information complicates as many as 13 percent of all clinical encounters. It can result in redundant, unnecessary or inappropriate care. HRB Oregon would fill the information gap by providing a record of the client’s past tests, imaging results and office visits across multiple providers.


Information gaps also occur when OHP clients leave their managed care plan, or leave the medical assistance system entirely and then return. HRB Oregon can reduce these gaps with interaction with the safety net and private health systems that also provide care for these clients.


HIPAA-compliant information security


HRB Oregon will exceed HIPAA and industry standards for information privacy and security. The Governor’s Office and the Department of Human Services will convene a governing board with a mandate to serve as a trustworthy guardian of personal health information. Throughout HRB Oregon’s development the state will solicit input from health care stakeholders and beneficiaries to support this mandate.


HRB Oregon will also conform closely to industry standards for developing Web-based personal health record technologies such as health record banks, including the standards of the national Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration.


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Page updated: December 13, 2007

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