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North Dakota Human Resources Management Services

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Job Seekers
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» State Internship Program
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600 E Boulevard Ave
Dept 113
Bismarck, ND 58505-0120

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Job Seekers: Announcements via Email

Vacancy Announcements List Server

You may subscribe to the ND-JOBS List Server to receive copies of all job announcements released through the JOBS program and posted on Human Resource Management Services' web site. This is a free subscription, and you may subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.

To Subscribe:

Send an email to nd-jobs-subscribe-request@nd.gov with SUBSCRIBE <firstname lastname> in the body of the message.

Do not put anything else in the body of the message.

You do not need to enter a subject. If your email software requires a subject, you may provide one, and the list-server will ignore it.

After you subscribe, you will receive an email from the List Server letting you know your subscription was accepted. You will also receive instructions from the List Server telling you how to cancel your subscription. Save these instructions for future use.

While you are subscribed, you will receive an email copy of each job announcement released through the JOBS program.

To Unsubscribe:

Send an email to nd-jobs-signoff-request@nd.gov with UNSUBSCRIBE (or SIGNOFF) in the body of the message.

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