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Tech Trends is a newsletter that provides descriptions and performance data for innovative source control technologies that have been applied in the field.

Note: As of July 2002, Tech Trends has been replaced by Technology News and Trends.

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  1. March 2002, Issue No. 44 or Download (305K/PDF)
  2. November 2001, Issue No. 43 or Download (205K/PDF)
  3. September 2001, Issue No. 42 or Download (249K/PDF)
  4. June 2001, Issue No. 41 or Download (229K/PDF)
  5. March 2001, Issue No. 40 or Download (1.0MB/PDF)
  6. November 2000, Issue No. 39 or Download (466K/PDF)
  7. August 2000, Issue No. 38 or Download (102K/PDF)
  8. May 2000, Issue No. 37 or Download (145K/PDF)
  9. February 2000, Issue No. 36 or Download (156K/PDF)
  10. October 1999, Issue No. 35 or Download (1.2MB/PDF)
  11. August 1999, Issue No. 34 or Download (233K/PDF)
  12. May 1999, Issue No. 33 or Download (197K/PDF)
  13. February 1999, Issue No. 32 or Download (218K/PDF)
  14. October 1998, Issue No. 31 or Download (65K/PDF)
  15. August 1998, Issue No. 30 or Download (73K/PDF)
  16. May 1998, Issue No. 29 or Download (118K/PDF)
  17. February 1998, Issue No. 28 or Download (107K/PDF/EXE)
  18. October 1997, Issue No. 27 or Download (334K/PDF/EXE)
  19. July 1997, Issue No. 26 or Download (405K/PDF/EXE)
  20. March 1997, Issue No. 25 or Download (345K/PDF)
  21. September 1996, Issue No. 24 or Download (21K/PDF)
  22. June 1996, Issue No. 23
  23. November 1995, Issue No. 22
  24. August 1995, Issue No. 21
  25. June 1995, Issue No. 20
  26. March 1995, Issue No. 19
  27. November 1994, Issue No. 18
  28. August 1994, Issue No. 17
  29. May 1994, Issue No. 16 (291K/PDF)
  30. February 1994, Issue No. 15 (311K/PDF)
  31. December 1993, Issue No. 14 (385K/PDF)
  32. August 1993, Issue No. 13 (370K/PDF)
  33. May 1993, Issue No. 12 (551K/PDF)
  34. January 1993, Issue No. 11
  35. October 1992, Issue No. 10 (196K/PDF)
  36. June 1992, Issue No. 9 (197K/PDF)
  37. March 1992, Issue No. 8 (180K/PDF)
  38. December 1991, Issue No. 7 (784K/PDF)
  39. August 1991, Issue No. 6 (455K/PDF)
  40. May 1991, Issue No. 5 (326K/PDF)
  41. March 1991, Issue No. 4 (444K/PDF)
  42. December 1990, Issue No. 3 (1.1MB/PDF)
  43. October 1990, Issue No. 2 (440K/PDF)
  44. July 1990, Issue No. 1 (356K/PDF)


bulletMarch 2002, Issue No. 44 or Download (305K/PDF)

Passive Bioventing Demonstration Conducted by DOD

Phosphate-Induced Metal Stabilization Used for Lead-Contaminated Soil

New EPA Resources Available

Thermal Desorption Removes Range of Organics

bulletNovember 2001, Issue No. 43 or Download (205K/PDF)

Subsurface Soil Analysis Using an In Situ Video Imaging System

Advanced Tensiometers for Vadose Zone Monitoring

New Compound Identification Technique Uses High Resolution MS

bulletSeptember 2001, Issue No. 42 or Download (249K/PDF)

NATO/CCMS Pilot Project for Innovative Cleanup Technologies

Steam Injection Used in Unsaturated Zone at German Landfill

Phytoextraction Demonstration in Poland for Lead Removal

ITRC Updates

International Efforts to Clean Up the Great Lakes

bulletJune 2001, Issue No. 41 or Download (229K/PDF)

Land Treatment Used at Wood-Treating Sites

Biological Treatment of Amine Wastes from the Gas Industry

Integrated Analytical Approach for Determining Bioremediation Effectiveness

bulletMarch 2001, Issue No. 40 or Download (1.0MB/PDF)

Natural Recovery of PCB-Contaminated Sediments

Rapid Sediment Characterization Tools for Ecological Risk Assessments

Bioremediation of Coal Tar Contaminated Marine Sediments

bulletNovember 2000, Issue No. 39 or Download (466K/PDF)

Fiber Optic/Cone Penetrometer System Used for Heavy Metal Detection

ETV Verifications Conducted on Analytical Technologies for PCBs

Flux Measurement Used to Characterize Sediment Contamination Mobility

Brownfields Technology Support Center Now Open

New Web Site Developed to Exchange Information on Sensor Technologies

bulletAugust 2000, Issue No. 38 or Download (102K/PDF)

Cometabolic Bioventing Field Test Conducted at Dover Air Force Base

Anaerobic/Aerobic Composting for Removal of Pesticide Contaminants

Anaerobic Bioremediation of Soil on Tribal Lands

Upcoming Monitoring Technology Conference

New Resources Available on EPA’s CLU-IN Web Site

bulletMay 2000, Issue No. 37 or Download (145K/PDF)

Six-Phase Heating and Radio Frequency Heating Used at Fort Wainwright

Expansive Cover Installed by DOE to Contain Mixed Wastes in Eastern Utah

Pneulog Technology Used by Air Force to Optimize SVE

Joint Technical Remediation Seminars to be Held in June

bulletFebruary 2000, Issue No. 36 or Download (156K/PDF)

Field-Scale Testing of a Composite Particle Sediment Capping Technology

Studies Conducted to Determine Biological Uptake from Contaminated Sediments

Phytoremediation Used for Mining Sediments

Sediment Management Work Group Addresses Strategies

Newsletter on Contaminated Sediments Available

bulletOctober 1999, Issue No. 35 or Download (1.2MB/PDF)

Soil Sampling Technology Verification

Horizontal Drilling Used to Sample Soil

Tree Core Analysis to Delineate CAH Contamination

Measurement & Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century

bulletAugust 1999, Issue No. 34 or Download (233K/PDF)

Phytotechnology for Metal-Contaminated Surface Soils

Sequential Anaerobic/Aerobic In Situ Treatment System

Bioventing for Enhanced Degradation of PAHs

bulletMay 1999, Issue No. 33 or Download (197K/PDF)

"'Snow Cap' Used for Sediment Remediation"

"DOE Comparison of Landfill Cover Designs"

"In Situ Ozonation to Degrade Recalcitrant Compounds"

"Brownfields Workshops"

bulletFebruary 1999, Issue No. 32 or Download (218K/PDF)

"Innovative Freeze Barrier Installation at ORNL"

"Evaluation of Alternative Earthen Landfill Covers"

"Mini-Cap for Landfill Cover Monitoring"

"PRB Training Course"

bulletOctober 1998, Issue No. 31or Download (65K/PDF)

"'Inside-Out' Well for Simultaneous Soil Vapor and Ground Water Sampling"

"Honeybees and Bluegills Used for Environmental Monitoring"

"Remote Sensing Tools for Phytoremediation Site Assessment"

"Field Sampling and Analysis Technology Resources Available"

"Case Study on Innovative Technologies and Strategies at Hanscom Air Force Base"

bulletAugust 1998, Issue No. 30or Download (73K/PDF)

"Sediment Decontamination Program for the Port of New York and New Jersey"

"Bioremediation of Michigan PCB- Contaminated Soils via Composting"

"International Cleanup Pilot Studies"

"Permeable Reactive Barrier Installation Profiles Now Available"

bulletMay 1998, Issue No. 29 or Download (118K/PDF)

"Biosolids and Fly Ash Used to Restore the Bunker Hill Superfund Site"

"Long-Term Phytoremediation of Organic Soil Pollutants"

"Phytoremediation of Selenium-Laden Soils"

"Biodegradation of De-Icing Fluids"

"New Phytoremediation Bibliography Now Available"

bulletFebruary 1998, Issue No. 28 or Download (107K/PDF/EXE)

"Heating Technologies and SVE in Hydraulic Fractures to Remove Hydrocarbon Fuels"

"In Situ Thermal Blankets and Wells for PCB Removal in Tight Clay Soils "

"In Situ Electroremediation of Chromate-Contaminated Soil"

"Feasibility Study on Electrokinetic Processing Systems "

bulletOctober 1997, Issue No. 27 or Download (334K/PDF/EXE)

"Overview of the Consortium for Site Characterization Technology"

"Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence for Expedited Site Characterization by Roger Henderson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers "

"Expedited Site Characterization (ESC) at Soil Sites"

bulletJuly 1997, Issue No. 26 or Download (405K/PDF/EXE)

"Southeastern Technology Center Tests Aerobic System at Georgia Landfill"

"Studies Focus on Reducing Lead Bioavailability at Superfund Site"

"Phase III of DoD's UXO Demonstration Program Completed"

"Polyurea Spray Elastomer Used for Containment"

bulletMarch 1997, Issue No. 25 or Download (345K/PDF)

"Partnerships Key to Technology Development Efforts"

"Potential for Phytoremediation Discussed"

"Controlled Phosphate-Enhanced Bioremediation Tested "

bulletSeptember 1996, Issue No. 24 or Download (21K/PDF)

"Flask to Field Research Centers" (news from the Hazardous Substance Research Centers (HSRCs)

"Novel Slurry Washing For Hydrophobic Organics" (Nonionic organics)

"National Integrated Bioremediation R&D Test Site" (petrochemicals)

"Electrocoagulation Removes Metals From Wastewater" (PAHs, PCP)

bulletJune 1996, Issue No. 23

"Lead Reclamation From Superfund Site" (Lead)

"RCI To Expedite Technologies to Market" (partnership between government and industry)

bulletNovember 1995, Issue No. 22

"Flare Pit Wastes -- Test Results" (11/95) (mixed waste)

"Alternative Treatment for PAH and PCP" (11/95) (PAH, PCP)

"Total Hydrocarbon Measurements Cause Confusion" (11/95)

bulletAugust 1995, Issue No. 21

"Delaware Oil Spill Bioremediation Field Study" (8/95) (oil spill)

"Cone Penetrometer-Mounted Sensors" (8/95) (PAH)

"Gasification Treatment for Soils" (PAH, VOCs)

bulletJune 1995, Issue No. 20

"Thermal Desorption at Gas Plants" (BTEX, PAHs, cyanide)

"Innovative Membrane Removes Contaminants From Liquids"(BTEX; chlorinated benzenes)

bulletMarch 1995, Issue No. 19

"Anaerobic Thermal Processor Completes Second PCB Remediation" (PCBs)

"Cold Climate Soil Vapor Extracting/Bioventing" (PAHs, BTEX)

"Field Portable Monitor For PAHs" (hydrocarbons: PAHs/non-aromatic, halogenated/non-halogenated)

"PCB Soil Solvent Extraction" (PCBs, pesticides)

bulletNovember 1994, Issue No. 18

"The Composting Alternative to Incineration of Explosives Contaminated Soils" (explosives: TNT, RDX)

"Vacuum Extraction/Air Sparging With Bioremediation for Organics" (PAHs, halogenated/non-hal. VOCs and SVOCs: BTEX)

"In Situ Vitrification Treats Organics and Inorganics" (pesticides, mercury)

"Site Search to Evaluate Soil-Gas Monitor" (chlorinated solvents/gases)

bulletAugust 1994, Issue No. 17

"Unique Multi-Vendor Bioremediation Demonstration Begins" (VOCs)

"Ex-Situ Bioremediation of TNT, Dinoseb & Other Pesticides/Herbicides" (TNT, dinoseb)

"PCBs Destroyed by Combining Thermal & Chemical Treatments" (PCBs)

bulletJanuary 1993, Issue No. 11

"Extraction Process Separates Organics from Sludges, Soils and Sediments" (PAHs, PCBs, oil, grease)

"Organics Desorbed From Soil with Low Temperature Thermal Treatment" (petroleum hydrocarbons, halogenated/non-halogenated VOCs, PAH)

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Page Last Modified: December 8, 2004