Illinois Department of Labor  
Director of Labor name Catherine M Shannon

Pat Quinn, Governor

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Consumer Product Safety Commission

The Department of Labor provides the following list of complaint forms for download, printing and mailing. You also, can visit any of the offices for the Department of Labor and submit a complaint in person. Depending upon the type of complaint, you may need to provide certain documents such as W-2, paystubs, and/or any other supporting documents verifying the complaint.

You may want to review the laws under the Laws/Rules page if your not sure about which form to use. The Laws/Rules page is listed in the left navigation menu.

Forms are provided as Adobe Acrobat Reader files (PDF files). Some of the forms are fill-able and require Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher. Forms provided as static (not fill-able) are readable by versions 4.0 or higher. If you don't have Acrobat Reader of the version needed, you can download it from for free.

Child Labor Complaint Form
Minimum Wage Complaint Form
Overtime Complaint Form
Day Labor Complaint Form
One Day Rest in Seven Complaint Form
Meal Period Complaint Form
Unpaid Wages Complaint Form
Prevailing Wage Complaint Form
Personnel Records Review Complaint Form
Privacy in the Workplace Complaint Form
Safety Complaint Form
Equal Pay Act of 2003 Complaint Form
Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) Complaint Form
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) Complaint Form

Employee Classification Complaint Form

Other Forms

Arbitration Request Form
Carnival Ride Permit Application Form
Request for Safety Training Form
CTP (Certified Transcript of Payroll) Used for contractors submission for audit
CTP Affidavit
CTP Instructions