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Ask an Expert Lecture Series

Ask an Expert at the National Mall Building

Every Wednesday at noon, a Museum staff member talks to the public about the history, collection, or personalities related to a specific artifact or exhibition in the Museum.  Talks typically last 10-15 minutes and begin at the Museum "Great Seal", in the Milestones of Flight gallery on the first floor.

Aug. 12 The 1909 Wright Military Flyer Peter Jakab
(Aeronautics Division)
Aug. 19 Wingless Flight: The M2-F3 Lifting Body Valerie Neal
(Space History Division)
Aug. 26 The International Flying Meeting at Reims Peter Jakab
(Aeronautics Division)
Sep. 2 Speed and Glory in the Air: A Century of Air Racing Jeremy Kinney
(Aeronautics Division)
Sep. 9 The V-2 Rocket's attacks on London and Paris Michael Neufeld
(Space History Division)
Sep. 16 Edward Prince of Wales’ flying coat Alex Spencer
(Aeronautics Division)
Sep. 23 Apollo 15 and Lunar Basalt Priscilla Strain
(Center for Earth and Planetary Studies)
Sep. 30 The Solar Armada David DeVorkin
(Space History Division)
Oct. 7 We: Select stories about how pilots and astronauts feel about their crafts Bob Craddock
(Center for Earth and Planetary Studies)
Oct. 14 The Hellfire Air to Surface Missile Tom Lassman
(Space History Division)
Oct. 21 Just What Are Black Boxes, and Are They Really Black? Paul Ceruzzi
(Space History Division)
Oct. 28 The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Early Results Thomas Watters
(Center for Earth and Planetary Studies)

Ask an Expert at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center

Every second and fourth Thursday at 12:30 PM, a Museum staff member talks to the public about the history, collection, or personalities related to a specific artifact or display at the Udvar-Hazy Center.  Talks typically last 10-15 minutes and begin at the nose of the SR-71 in the Boeing Aviation Hangar.

Curator's Choice Online
Excerpts from previous Curator's Choice lectures (now the Ask An Expert series) for
Apollo 11 Command Module, Lunar Module 2 and Apollo Moon Rocks.