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  • Welcome to the Office of Policy and International Affairs Library. These documents may be viewed on line, printed, or downloaded.

    Publications & Reports

  • Strategies for the Commercialization & Deployment of GHG Intensity-Reducing Technologies & Practices, January 2009.
    A report by the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP) on strategies to promote the commercialization and deployment of technologies to reduce, avoid, or sequester greenhouse gases (GHG).

  • World Biofuels Production Potential, September 2008. This study by the Office of Policy and International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy, estimates the worldwide potential to produce biofuels, including biofuels for export. It was undertaken to improve our understanding of the potential for imported biofuels to satisfy the requirements of Title II of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007, especially since many other countries’ biofuels production and policies are expanding as rapidly as ours. The model used is a detailed and up-to-date representation of the amount of biofuels feedstocks that are being and can be grown, current and future biofuels production capacity, and other factors relevant to the economic competitiveness of worldwide biofuels production, use, and trade. We find that the most significant growth will be “second-generation” biofuels (these reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly more than conventional biofuels and they are not made from feedstocks that would otherwise be used for food or livestock feed). The study identifies which countries will produce and consume biofuels and shows how different policy and market scenarios would change the pattern of biofuels production, use and trade. To view the full report click here.

    About Us

    Organizational Chart
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    Climate Overview
    Climate VISION
    Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Guidelines
    U.S. Climate Change Technology Program
    North American Energy Working Group (NAEWG)


    Publications & Reports
    Testimony & Speeches

    White House and Executive Offices
    U.S. Congress
    U.S. Government Agencies
    International Organizations

    Testimony & Speeches

  • "Climate Change Technology - Perspectives on Future Prospects
    and Challenges"
    Presentation by Dr. Robert C. Marlay, Deputy Director of the U.S.
    Climate Change Technology Program, Office of Policy and International Affairs, to the National Academy of Sciences Committee on America's Climate Choices, Panel on Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change, January 8, 2009

  • Statement of Acting Assistant Secretary Katharine Fredriksen before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, August 13, 2008

  • Statement of Katharine Fredriksen, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Policy and International Affairs, before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, February 26, 2008

  • Statement of Deputy Assistant Secretary Alan Hegburg before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, June 25, 2007

  • Statement of Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Karen Harbert before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, June 17, 2007

  • Statement of Katharine Fredriksen, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, before House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, May 24, 2007

  • For more Testimony & Speeches, please see our Archive

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