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Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 11:05:11

Eric in New Mexico writes:

Dear Mr. Carson

This post was in slightly different context, but I'm curious whether you think my observation on democratic evolution…

From the entry 'Travel Diary: Coming Back to Kenya'.

Posted on Fri, August 07, 2009 - 9:25:02

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Trevor in SA, Don't believe everything you think.

"Food soveregnity" doesn't matter to those without enough to eat, and only a global…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

Posted on Thu, August 06, 2009 - 8:14:19

Trevor W. in South Africa writes:

I refer to my previous postings.

I know that the looney right who believe a nuclear war is winnable are putting pressure on the…

From the entry 'What Steps Can the U.S. Take To Support Sustainable Growth in Africa?'.

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Blog entries for  Robert Wood

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Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton’s Day in Kenya
Posted by: Robert Wood

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary | Behind the Scenes Photos

About the Author: Robert Wood serves as State Department…

Secretary Clinton Departs for Mexico
Posted by: Robert Wood

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary

About the Author: Robert Wood serves as Acting Department Spokesman and Acting…

Secretary Clinton Departs for Middle East, Europe
Posted by: Robert Wood

Interactive Travel Map | Text the Secretary

About the Author: Robert Wood serves as Acting Department Spokesman and Acting…

Behind the Scenes: Secretary Clinton Departs for Asia
Posted by: Robert Wood

About the Author:
Robert Wood serves as Acting Department Spokesman and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.

We're aboard the Secretary's plane en route to Asia. This is Secretary Clinton's first trip abroad since she took office, and it will include visits to Japan,…

First Week Launches New ‘Smart Power’
Posted by: Robert Wood

About the Author:
Robert Wood serves as Acting Department Spokesman and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.

This week was busy and exciting here at the State Department. Last Wednesday, Secretary Clinton was

DipNote Looks Forward To Continuing the Conversation
Posted by: Robert Wood

About the Author:
Robert Wood serves as Acting Department Spokesman and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.

Today the United States inaugurates its 44th President. This inauguration marks an exciting and historic moment, one that underscores the transformative nature of democracy. Democracy, by definition, is participatory. To participate effectively in a democracy,…

Welcome Back to DipNote
Posted by: Robert Wood

About the Author: Robert Wood serves as Acting Department Spokesman and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs.

Welcome to DipNote, the State Department’s official blog. DipNote gives context, clarity and other behind the scenes insights on the foreign policy headlines in which you’re most interested. The information is provided to you by those actually doing the work.

The term “DipNote” refers to a diplomatic note, one of the many means by which governments…