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Standard Checklist Criteria For Business Recovery

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Company: ______________________________________________________
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Business Recovery
Plan for:

Business Recover Plan (BRP.--LEVEL 1 (Executive Awareness/Authority. Y N N/A
  1. Has a BRP been:
    1. Developed?
    2. Updated within the last 6 months?
Business Recover Plan (BRP.--LEVEL 2 (Plan Development and Documentation. Y N N/A
  1. Has a classification (critical, important, marginal) been assigned to the Business Process/Function/ Component that this Facility/Function supports?
  1. Has a BRP been:
    1. Documented?
    2. Maintained?
  1. Does the BRP include the following sections:
    1. Identification?
    2. Incident Management?
      1. Responsible company officer?
      2. Personnel responsible for updates?
    3. Response?
    4. Recovery?
    5. Restoration?
    6. Plan Exercise?
    7. Plan Maintenance?
    8. Business Recovery Teams and Contact Information?
  1. Does the BRP identify hardware and software critical to recover the Business and/or Functions?
  1. Does the BRP identify necessary support equipment (forms, spare parts, office equipment, etc.) to recover the Business and/or Functions?
  1. 6. Does the BRP require an alternate site for recovery?
    1. Does the BRP provide for mail service to be forwarded to the alternate facility?
    2. Does the BRP provide for other vital support functions?
  1. Are all critical or important data required to support the business being backed up?
    1. a. Are they being stored in a protected location (offsite)?
  1. Do you conduct a walk-through exercise of your Plan at least annually? (This should include a full walk-through as well as "elements" of your plan (i.e. accounts payable, receivable, shipping and receiving, etc).
  1. Does the walk-through element exercises have a prepared plan which includes:
    1. Description
    2. Scope
    3. Objective
  1. Is a current copy of the BRP maintained off-site?
  1. Do all users of the BRP have ready access to a current copy at all times?
  1. Is there an audit trail of the changes made to the BRP?
  1. Do all employees responsible for the execution of the BDRP received ongoing training in Disaster Recovery and Emergency Management?

Last Modified: Thursday, 04-Jun-2009 11:42:34 EDT