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Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure
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Green Infrastructure applications


On April 19, 2007, EPA and four national groups signed an agreement (PDF) (4 pp, 37K) to promote green infrastructure as an environmentally preferable approach to stormwater management (click here for press release). This agreement is accompanied by an additional statement of support (PDF) (5 pp, 133K) for green infrastructure that has been signed by over 50 national groups. A primary goal of this new partnership is to reduce runoff volumes and sewer overflow events through the wide-spread use of green infrastructure management practices Corporations, organizations, municipalities, and government entities are invited to join our partnership as signatories to the statement of support. On January 17, 2008, our partnership released an Action Strategy for Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure.

The Statement of Support for Green Infrastructure (PDF) (5 pp, 133K) is an expression of endorsement from organizations that recognize the benefits of green infrastructure in mitigating sewer overflows, reducing stormwater pollution, and improving water quality while at the same time providing a range of additional benefits. Local and state governments, environmental groups, development groups, and other corporate entities that wish to join us in our efforts to promote green infrastructure are invited to sign on to the Statement of Support.

Note: Because the statement is designed specifically for organizations, we are NOT accepting signatures from individuals at this time.

To be added to an e-mail distribution list for updates on green infrastructure activities, send an e-mail request to

Become a Signatory

To become a signatory, please send an email to Nancy Arazan at, providing the following information:

  • Organization name;
  • Organization URL;
  • Contact name;
  • Contact mailing address;
  • Contact phone number;
  • Contact fax number; and
  • Contact email address.

Supporting Organizations


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Last updated on April 27, 2009 3:34 PM