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21st Eldredge Prize awarded to Cécile Whiting.

Research & Scholars Center

The Smithsonian American Art Museum is one of the nation's leading centers for the study of American art. The museum offers academic opportunities for scholars at the graduate level and above, research opportunities for visiting scholars, and professional museum training for college seniors and graduate students. The museum also produces American Art, a peer-reviewed periodical on the arts in America, organizes scholarly symposia, and sponsors several annual publication prize awards. The museum's specialized art databases of a half million records and its extensive photograph archives further research efforts in the field.

To learn more about the Research & Scholars Center programs, visit the following links:

Inventories of American Painting & Sculpture

Save Outdoor Sculpture!

Ask Joan of Art®

Photograph Archives


Fellows & Interns


American Art Journal


Research and Scholars Center Newsletter

Contact the Research & Scholars Center at (202) 633-2677 or artref(at)

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Luce Center for American Art

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