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Memorandum of Understanding on Enhancing Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and the Environment at the U.S. - China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

Bureau of Public Affairs
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 28, 2009

  • This year marks the 30th anniversary of U.S.-China cooperation on energy and environment.
  • Climate change, energy security and environmental protection are among the greatest challenges facing the United States and China and were a central focus of the first U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) held July 27 and 28 in Washington, DC.
  • Discussions during the S&ED underscored the extent to which our countries are interconnected and demonstrated that cooperation between the United States and China is critical in meeting these challenges.
  • The two countries produced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that elevates climate change in our bilateral relationship, recommits the United States and China to a reach a successful international agreement and expands cooperation to accelerate the transition to a sustainable low-carbon global economy.
  • Through the MOU the U.S. and China commit to respond vigorously to the challenges of energy security, climate change and environmental protection through ambitious domestic action and international cooperation.
  • The Department of State and Department of Energy on the U.S. side and the National Development and Reform Commission on the Chinese side will promote and coordinate bilateral cooperation on climate change, clean energy and the environment. 
  • This MOU establishes an ongoing dialogue between the United States and China on what both countries are doing to reduce emissions and to advance international climate negotiations ahead of the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen this December.
  • The MOU also lays the foundation for expanded cooperation in combating climate change and promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart grid technologies, electric vehicles, carbon capture and sequestration, joint research and development, clean air and water, and the protection of natural resources. 
  • Text of the MOU can be found at:

PRN: 2009/790