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 Cemetery Services  

For more detailed information regarding cemeteries and laws protecting them along with procedures please select from the Cemetery Jump Menu below:


The Illinois Historic Cemetery Handbook:

A Guide to Basic Preservation was developed in response to many inquires to the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA) and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Most often, those questions focused on how to clean and repair gravestones, sources of assistance, and the laws that govern cemeteries.

The IHPA is responsible for protecting nonregistered Illinois cemeteries that are more than 100 years old. The IDNR owns and manages over 50 cemeteries statewide. Together both agencies have hosted workshops and provided guidance to numerous groups responsible for maintaining and preserving cemeteries. This handbook provides basic information for groups or individuals who wish to embark on a successful cemetery preservation program.

Download the entire Cemetery Preservation Handbook information in .pdf


 Stones and Statues

The first Illinois laws protecting historically significant cemeteries were enacted in 1851. Since that time the state legislature has passed a number of laws governing the management of public cemeteries, including sales and ownership, the creation of local cemetery authorities, burial places of Illinois soldiers and sailors, and the care and maintenance of cemeteries. Those laws encourage local government and private organizations to maintain, regulate, and protect cemeteries. Also established by law are provisions for creating a local cemetery authority when none exists.

In 1989, Illinois passed into law the Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act (20 ILCS 3440; 17 IAC 4170). This law protects all unregistered graves, grave markers (including prehistoric burial mounds), and grave artifacts that are over 100 years old and are not located in a cemetery that is registered with the State Comptroller’s Office. This Act offers protection from desecration, including vandalism, excavation (includes cultivation), removal, exposure, defacement and destruction. The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency administers this act.

Download Stones and Statutes: Laws Governing Illinois Cemeteries.pdf

Why Preserve? 

Why preserve or protect cemeteries? They are memorials to the past that offer a unique view of our history, culture, and way of life. Their existence adds much to our understanding of the history of Illinois and its people.

Vandalism in cemeteries destroys our history and the stories of the individuals who lived before us. It takes many forms – overturned monuments, discarded beer cans and trash, graffiti – and is a Class C misdemeanor. Tips to prevent vandalism are available in the Stones and Statutes: Laws Governing Illinois Cemeteries.pdf.

Want to know more about a local cemetery?

  • Questions dealing with cemeteries and cemetery laws should be directed to:
    Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
    Division of Preservation Services
    One Old State Capitol Plaza
    Springfield, Illinois 62701
    phone: (217) 782-4836

  • If you wish to erect a historical marker, write:
    Illinois State Historical Society, Marker’s Program,
    210 ½ South Sixth Street, Suite 200
    Springfield, Illinois 62701
    phone: (217) 525-2781

  • Concerns dealing with the burial of Illinois war veterans should be addressed to:
    Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs
    833 South Spring Street, P. O. Box 19432
    Springfield, Illinois 62794
    1-800-437-9824 or in Springfield (217) 782-6641

  • For information on historic cemeteries as nature preserves, write:
    llinois Nature Preserves Commission,
    Illinois Department of Natural Resources
    One Natural Resources Way
    Springfield, Illinois 62702
    (217) 524-2415

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