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FAR Contractor Reporting

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TIGTA FAR Contractor Reporting

This form is provided as a convenience to allow contractors to comply with the reporting requirements in the December 12, 2008, FAR amendment, 73 Fed. Reg. 67064. Specifically, contractors may use this form to satisfy the requirement that they notify, in writing, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) whenever the contractor has credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, or subcontractor of the Contractor has committed a violation of the civil False Claims Act or a violation of Federal criminal law involving fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, or gratuity violations in connection with the award, performance, or closeout of a contract or any related subcontract. The individual completing this form must be an authorized representative empowered to speak for the company. Upon submission of this online form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail validating receipt of your information. The information you are providing is not deemed to be submitted until you have received that confirmation email. If you wish to provide information that does not fall within these guidelines, please visit the TIGTA Hotline.

You can submit your report by these methods:

By Online Form or Email (TIGTA's FAR Contractor Reporting Unit):
Remember: if you submit your complaint via the online form or email, it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.

By Phone:
Call toll free: 1-800-366-4484

By Fax:
(202) 927-7018

By Mail:
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
FAR Contractor Reporting
P.O. Box 589
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-0589


Your company information:
Business E-mail:  
Company Name:  
Business Address:  
Business City:  
Business State:  
Business ZIP:  
Business Country:  
Business Phone:  
Business Fax:  

My company is the:  
I am reporting on:  

Contract information:
Contract No:  
IRS Contracting Officer Name:  
IRS Component:  
IRS Region (city, state):  
Description of Services/Supplies/System:

Estimated Amount of Loss:  
Loss Description:  
Initial Incident Date:  
Is the incident ongoing:  
Date contractor learned of potential violation:  
Has an investigation been conducted:  

Does the incident you are reporting include any of the following attributes:
Check all that apply.
Duration of the activity longer than 3 months
Multiple individuals involved
Actual or potential security compromise
Actual or potential employee/public safety/health threat
Actual or potential misuse of personally identifiable information
Actual or potential national security threat

Please provide a complete description of the facts and circumstances surrounding the reported activities, including the evidence forming the basis of this report, the names of the individuals involved, dates, location, how the matter was discovered, potential witnesses and their involvement and any corrective action taken by the company.
NOTE: Please provide only the names, business e-mail, and business phone for any individuals involved and/or potential witnesses.
Please list any other government entities you are notifying about this incident:

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Last Updated: Friday, 20-Feb-2009 12:11:34 EST
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