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Nuclear Power Plant


To protect residents from the potentially harmful effects of ionizing radiation and accidents involving a release of radiation from a power station, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Division of Nuclear Safety -

  • monitors 11 nuclear power reactors at six nuclear power stations licensed to generate electricity;
  • ensures public and employee safety through inspection, licensing, accreditation and certification of radiologic technologists, equipment and facilities; and
  • inspects and escorts spent nuclear fuel shipments that enter, exit, or traverse Illinois.

In the event of a radiological accident at any of the nuclear power stations in Illinois or any incident involving the actual or potential release of radiation to the environment, IEMA will activate the Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents (IPRA). IPRA is a cooperative effort between state agencies, local governments, and private organizations designed to ensure any radiological accident is quickly and accurately evaluated and the appropriate response to and recovery from any accident are effectively coordinated.

If there is an accident involving nuclear or radioactive materials

  • follow the instructions of emergency service personnel in the area, and
  • listen to local TV and radio for instructions and travel information.

For Additional Information