
The Smithsonian Institution's Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity Program (formerly the Man and the Biosphere Program) works to assess and monitor the biodiversity in tropical and temperate forests of Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, Africa, and Asia. Learn more.

ocelot Peruvian Amazon Biodiversity Project
At its headwaters, the Arabela River in northern Peru flows through virgin rainforest in a region with one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. The Center for Conservation Education and Sustainability (CCES) is collaborating with Repsol Exploración Peru to ensure that recent oil exploration activities in the region maintain the ecological integrity of this uniquely remote and preserved rainforest. more

Gabon Biodiversity Program
Few places remain in Africa where one can experience truly wild lands teeming with wildlife. MAB is working with the Shell Foundation and Shell Gabon to understand more about the biodiversity of the Gamba Complex, a rich area of protected rainforest. more

Education and Training Courses
Find out about the National Zoo's wide-ranging training opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals. We have trained more than 1,200 individuals from more than 40 countries. more

BioMon: Biodiversity Monitoring Database
Learn about and download BioMon, the Biodiversity Monitoring Database. This software was developed by MAB to facilitate the work of data management, analysis, and interpretation within an international network of biodiversity monitoring plots. more

Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE)
CARPE is a long-term initiative by USAID to address the issues of deforestation and biodiversity loss in the Congo Basin forest zone, in the middle of the African continent. One of the least developed regions of the world, the Congo Basin holds massive expanses of closed canopy tropical forest, second only to the Amazon Basin in area. more

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