Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor

Pat Quinn, Governor

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   Executive Inspector General’s Message   

Welcome to the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor (“OEIG”)

Established by executive order in January 2003, and promulgated under Article 20 of the Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/20) in December 2003, the OEIG is an independent, non-partisan State agency dedicated to ensuring accountability in the operation of State government. To that end, the OEIG’s mission is to receive and fairly investigate complaints of fraud, waste, abuse and misconduct by employees of State agencies under the jurisdiction of the OEIG and those doing business with those agencies. Should an allegation of misconduct or other impropriety be substantiated, the OEIG will recommend corrective action, including discharge, and where appropriate, the OEIG will refer the matter to law enforcement agencies for possible criminal prosecution. In addition to its investigative function, the OEIG is responsible for promoting and coordinating the State’s ethics initiatives for those agencies under its jurisdiction.

Not surprisingly, the success of the OEIG is heavily dependent upon the courage and commitment of all State employees, and those doing business with the State, to conduct their activities ethically. This entails performing their responsibilities and conducting their business with honesty and integrity. It also means promptly reporting instances of misconduct and impropriety. We know that the majority of people working in and with State government conduct themselves in accordance with these values. Unfortunately, there exists a minority of State employees and contractors who feel entitled to unearned and undeserved compensation and benefits. These individuals will oppose any reform effort that demands accountability for their actions. However, with your support and cooperation, I am certain that we can achieve such comprehensive ethical reform that resistant elements will be unable to subvert it.

Accordingly, this website is designed to educate you about the OEIG – to let you know who we are, what we do, when and how you should contact us. Today, more than ever before, the citizens of Illinois demand the highest standard of integrity and accountability in the operation of State government; they deserve no less. It is my solemn promise that the OEIG will perform its duties diligently and fairly, without bias or influence from any source whatsoever. However, we can not fulfill our commitment without your vigilance and assistance. Establishing and maintaining integrity and accountability in the operation of State government is the responsibility of each and every citizen of Illinois. Only by working together can we develop public trust so imperative to good government.

James A. Wright, Esq.
Executive Inspector General

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