Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor

Pat Quinn, Governor

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   Frequently Asked Questions   

What is the function of the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor (OEIG)?

The function of the Office of Executive Inspector General is to investigate allegations of wrongful acts or omissions committed by employees, appointees or officials, or by vendors or others doing business with the agencies, including boards, commissions, State public universities and Illinois community college districts, under its jurisdiction.

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When should I contact the Office of Executive Inspector General?

You should contact the Office of Executive Inspector General whenever you suspect or witness a wrongful act or omission on the part of a State employee or those doing business with the State.

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What types of complaints does the Office of Executive Inspector General investigate?

The Office of Executive Inspector General investigates, when appropriate, alleged violations of law, rule or regulation committed by any State agency, including the State public universities and Illinois community college districts, or a vendor or others doing business with an agency under its jurisdiction. For example, the Office investigates allegations of waste, fraud, abuse of authority, or corruption including ghost payrolling, bid rigging, theft, misuse of State property, procurement fraud, improper time reporting and abuse of time, among others. The OEIG declines to investigate anything that has been fully adjudicated (administratively or in a court) or is pending before an administrative agency or pending in civil or criminal court.

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How do I file a complaint?

A complaint may be filed with this Office in writing, preferably on an OEIG Complaint Form or orally. You may file a complaint by (i) calling the Office's toll-free hotline (866) 814-1113; (ii) sending a completed complaint form to the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor, Attention Complaint Division, 32 West Randolph, Suite 1900, Chicago, Illinois 60601; (iii) faxing a completed complaint form to (312) 814-5479; (iv) contacting the Office by teletype at (312) 814-1872 (TTY) or (v) visiting the Office at the address above to fill out a complaint form.

Complaint Form [PDF, 21KB]

Under State law, the OEIG cannot accept complaints that are filed anonymously.

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Where can I obtain a Complaint Form?

Complaint Forms are available in a number of ways. You may contact the OEIG by telephone, and a Complaint Form will be mailed to you. If you have access to a fax machine, a Complaint Form can be sent to you by facsimile. In addition, you may download a complaint form from this web site.

Complaint Form [PDF, 21KB]

Please note that under State law, the OEIG cannot accept complaints that are filed anonymously.

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How do I file a complaint without fear of losing my job?

The OEIG will keep your identity as the complainant confidential, except in rare circumstances where disclosure is required by law. In addition, Illinois law provides certain whistle-blower protections to employees who report wrongdoing.

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Does the Office of Executive Inspector General accept anonymous complaints?

No. Under State law, the OEIG cannot accept complaints that are filed anonymously.

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How long does it take to complete an investigation?

The length of time required by an investigation is determined by a number of factors including, the nature of the allegation, the number of interviews required to identify the facts, availability of resources and other factors. Generally, it is the objective of the OEIG to conclude each investigation as expeditiously as possible.

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What communication can I expect from the Office of Executive Inspector General after I file a complaint?

After you file a complaint with the OEIG, you will receive an acknowledgment letter. The acknowledgment letter will identify a file ID number for your complaint. Generally, you will only be contacted again if there is a need for additional information or clarification. The Office of Executive Inspector General is an independent, objective investigatory agency. It does not represent any party or agency in an investigation and does not investigate “on behalf” of any individual or agency. If an individual is seeking legal representation, s/he should consult with an attorney.

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After I file a complaint, what happens?

If the complaint alleges a violation of law, rule, or regulation, or fraud, waste, corruption or abuse by an employee or vendor under the OEIG’s jurisdiction, it will be reviewed by a member of the OEIG’s staff. The complaint may then be assigned to an investigator for investigation.

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Does the Office of Executive Inspector General handle all of the complaints it receives?

No. If, for example, the complaint relates to another State Constitutional office, such as a complaint concerning an employee of the Secretary of State or Attorney General, the complaint is referred to the Executive Inspector General with jurisdiction for that agency. In other instances, complaints received by the Office of Executive Inspector General are referred to appropriate resources such as the Inspectors General for the Department of Children and Family Services, Department of Human Services, or the Toll Highway Authority. Each of those independent investigatory entities has unique skills and abilities to, when deemed appropriate, investigate complaints related to its agency's functions.

There are other circumstances under which the Office of Executive Inspector General declines to investigate complaints. For example, prisoner and prisoner-related complaints are referred to the Department of Corrections, which has procedures for the administration of these matters. Any such complaints received by the OEIG will be returned to the complainant with the original documents.

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Are complaints kept confidential once received by the Office of Executive Inspector General?

All records pertaining to an active investigation are considered confidential and therefore not generally subject to public release. Records of the Office of Executive Inspector General are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. However, if an investigation results in a finding that an employee engaged in misconduct, the results of such an investigation and the names of the witnesses may become public.

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What is the Office of Executive Inspector General's jurisdiction?

The jurisdiction of the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor extends to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and all officers and employees of, and vendors and others doing business with, executive branch State agencies except for those that fall under the jurisdiction of those Executive Inspectors General who have jurisdiction for State agencies under the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Comptroller or the Treasurer. The OEIG’s jurisdiction also extends to the State public universities and the Illinois community college districts.

If you have a question about the jurisdiction of this office, you may call (312) 814-5600.

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What types of complaints does the Office of Executive Inspector General decline?

The OEIG is not generally the appropriate forum for complaints related to city or municipal officials, county officials, federal officials, or federal or state court judges. The OEIG also cannot investigate complaints that fail to provide detail sufficient to initiate the investigation. The OEIG also declines to investigate complaints where an employee is, for example, simply dissatisfied without legal recourse, with a supervisor or a work assignment. Finally, the OEIG does not investigate prisoner complaints that have been adjudicated through administrative and criminal review channels. See also previous answer above.

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What happens if the Office of Executive Inspector General does not have jurisdiction over a matter?

The complainant will receive written notification of that fact. When appropriate, the complainant will be referred to another agency or organization that can provide assistance.

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Are law enforcement agencies affiliated with the Office of Executive Inspector General?

No, the Office of Executive Inspector General is not a law enforcement organization. However, any unlawful or criminal conduct discovered during the course of an investigation will be referred to the Illinois State Police or other appropriate law enforcement entity or a prosecutorial authority.

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What powers are available to the Office of Executive Inspector General?

The Executive Inspector General (“EIG”) or any of the EIG’s appointed deputies may issue subpoenas requiring the appearance of anyone for questioning and the production of any books, records or other documents relevant to an investigation. The EIG or any deputy may also appear before any State agency under the OEIG’s jurisdiction and question any individual or secure anything necessary in furtherance of an investigation.

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Is there a limit on the age of an allegation that the Office of Executive Inspector General will investigate?

Yes. Generally, the OEIG can only investigate misconduct that occurred within one year of the complaint’s referral to the Office. Thus, if alleged misconduct occurred more than one year ago, the OEIG is without authority to investigate unless there is credible evidence of fraudulent concealment.

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Is the Office of Executive Inspector General a State agency?

Yes, the Office of Executive Inspector General is a State agency created by statute. The Office of Executive Inspector General is currently supported by a dedicated full-time staff of approximately 65 people.

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How can I contact the OEIG?

The Office does not maintain an e-mail address. You may contact the Office of Executive Inspector General by U.S. mail, by fax, teletype or by telephone:

Office of Executive Inspector General

32 West Randolph
Suite 1900
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 814-5600
(800) 524-8794 (TTY)
(866) 814-1113 (toll-free)
(312) 814-5479 (fax)

Illinois Building
607 East Adams Street
14th Floor
Springfield, IL 62701
(217) 558-5600
(217) 782-1605 (fax)

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