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Welcome to the Historic Cemeteries Program
Commissioner Siedlecki Commission seeks new member
The OCHC is accepting applications to fill the position of a resigned commissioner.

The group meets four times per year in changing locations around the state. There may be an occasional additional meeting for extra projects, programs and grant selection. The Commissioners are also asked to provide informal meetings in their regions and work on other projects outside of meeting time.

The commission is particularly seeking a representative from a coastal area of the state, but all are encouraged to apply. Please apply before June 19, 2009. To apply send a letter or email to Kuri Gill at Kuri.Gill@state.or.us or 725 Summer Street NE, SuiteC Salem, OR 97301. Detail the reasons for your interest in serving on the commission and any skills or knowledge you fill would enhance the work of the commission.
Useful Resources
Programming for Youth in Historic Cemeteries Resources
Basic Historic Cemetery Laws
Other Resources
For research, preservation tips and more.
How to Clean Historic Markers
For Operating Cemeteries
Historic Cemetery Highlights
Washington County Area Grant Workshop
Designing Projects for Successful Grants Workshop
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 1:00pm-3:00pm
Washington County Historical Society & Museum 17677 NW Springville Rd., Portland

Join us to learn tips on designing your project and writing for successful grants. While the information will help with any grant, the emphasis of the workshop will be on the Oregon Heritage Grants, the Oregon Museum Grants and the Historic Cemeteries Grants offered by Heritage Programs of Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
To register or for more information contact Kuri Gill at Kuri.Gill@state.or.us or (503) 986-0685.
Commemorating Oregon's Sesquicentennial
Oregon 150
OCHC is supporting Take Care of Oregon Days by listing cemetery clean-up days throughout the year. Look for the Oregon 150 logo on the History Cemetery Events Calendar and visit our sesquicentennial page for related projects.
New Heritage Bulletin features cemetery clean up
Featured Cemetery and Grant Project

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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