Illinois Department on Aging

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  Procurement Opportunities

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The Community Care Program, administered by the Illinois Department on Aging, offers a statewide network of services to persons age 60 and over. These services offer eligible older adults of Illinois the opportunity to remain in their own homes as an alternative to inappropriate or premature institutionalization in a nursing facility.

Illinois certifies providers for services under the Community Care Program. Any willing and qualified agency may participate in this open procurement process.

NOTICE: Central Illinois Provider Informational Meeting. The Illinois Department on Aging is hosting an informational meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 2009, at Illinois Association of Realtors Plaza, Springfield. To register, see Conferences, Trainings, Events and Meetings.

  • Adult Day Service
    Adult Day Service is designed especially for older adults who want to remain in the community but who cannot be home alone during the day due to a physical, social and/or mental impairment. Adult day service also provides respite for family caregivers, especially those who are employed outside the home, and socialization for isolated older adults. Services offered in adult day service centers include health, medication supervision, personal care and recreational/therapeutic activities. Nutritious lunches and snacks are served, and special diets are provided.

  • Emergency Home Response Service
    Emergency Home Response Service (EHRS) is a 24-hour emergency communication link to assistance outside the home for older adults with documented health and safety needs and mobility limitations. This service is provided by a two-way voice communication system consisting of a base unit and an activation device worn by the client that will automatically link the older adult to a professionally staffed support center.

  • In-Home Service
    In-Home Service provides assistance with household tasks such as cleaning, planning and preparing meals, doing laundry, shopping and running errands. Homemakers also assist clients with personal care tasks, such as dressing, bathing, grooming and following special diets.

The Illinois Department on Aging does not discriminate in admission to programs or treatment of employment in programs or activities in compliance with appropriate State and Federal Statutes. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department on Aging. For information, call the Senior HelpLine: 1-800-252-8966, 1-888-206-1327 (TTY).

  Service Provider Eligibility Requirements  

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A service provider must comply with administrative requirements, service specifications and other required operational information for each type of service under the Community Care Program.

Please carefully review the following information before completing your certification packet:

  Certification Packet  

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The certification packet consists of the following documents. NOTE: Each applicant must submit BOTH a Legal Entity Application and the appropriate Service Specific Application.

  1. Legal Entity Application
    Complete only one application per In-Home Service and/or Adult Day Service legal entity. (Note: This is not applicable to Emergency Home Response Service.)

  2. Service Specific Applications

All forms must be completed accurately before processing can be started. Any incomplete packet will be returned. Be sure to maintain a copy for your records.

Return your completed certification packet to:
Illinois Department on Aging
Attention: Office of Service Development and Procurement
421 East Capitol Avenue, #100
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1789

We appreciate your interest in becoming a service provider under the Community Care Program!

  Certification Process  

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There are six steps to the Service Provider Certification Process (see 89 Illinois Administrative Code 240.1600, Provider Agency Certification):

  1. Application
    • Complete and submit your Certification Packet (see above).
    • Pass review of your Certification Packet.

  2. Review
    • Schedule and pass a precertification review of on-site operations at your agency unless a performance review of the provider agency has already been completed by the Illinois Department on Aging or its designee within the prior 12 months.
    • Complete any required remediation based on the review.

  3. Certification
    • Receive Service Provider Certification from the Illinois Department on Aging.

  4. Management Training

  5. Contracting (see 89 Illinois Administrative Code 240.1607, Standard CCP Provider Agreement)
    • Complete and submit your Provider Agreement.

      Provider Agreements will be entered with qualified provider agencies on a schedule determined by the Illinois Department on Aging, but no more frequently than semiannually after initial certification.

  6. Renewal
    • Recertification

  Denial of Certification  

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Any provider agency denied initial certification of qualifications or recertification for the provision of Community Care Program services shall be afforded the opportunity to submit another request to the Illinois Department on Aging after a 60-day period of time from issuance of the determination or notification of a final decision or other action on an objection filed pursuant to Section 240.1645.

The provider agency may also object to the decision in a form and manner prescribed by the Illinois Department on Aging in the written notification of denial (see 89 Illinois Administrative Code 240.1645, Objection to Certification Decision).

  Appeal Rights  

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A provider may file an objection, in limited circumstances, if a certification request is denied by the Illinois Department on Aging.

An objection regarding a certification decision must be in writing and must be received at the Illinois Department on Aging Springfield office on or before the tenth calendar day from the date of the applicant's receipt of the notice of the objectionable action. If the objection is not received before the close of business on the tenth calendar day, the objection shall be disregarded.

Each objection must contain a full and concise statement of the facts and circumstances of the action that is alleged to be objectionable, legally or otherwise, and a statement of the relief sought.

See 89 Illinois Administrative Code 240.1645, Objection to Certification Decision.

  Open Certification Schedule  

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The Illinois Department on Aging is accepting certification packets from all Planning and Service Areas (PSAs) of the state of Illinois.

Processing Phase-in: Beginning April 6, 2009, processing will begin for Planning and Service Areas 08, 09, 10 and 11 (see PSA Map).

Certification packets submitted for other areas of the state will be held by the Department until a processing phase-in is scheduled. Check back frequently for updates.

  Current Certified Providers  

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At this time, there are no "certified" Adult Day Service and In-Home Service providers. As providers are certified, they will be listed here. Lists of other service providers are listed in the Directory of Agencies Serving Seniors.

  Management Training  

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See Conferences, Trainings, Events and Meetings for a current list of training events and meetings.

  Assistance and Resources  

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For assistance in the certification process, contact the Illinois Department on Aging Office of Service Development and Procurement.


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Procurement Home
Service Provider Eligibility Requirements
Certification Packet
Certification Process
Denial of Certification
Appeal Rigjts
Open Certification Schedule
Current Providers
Management Training
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Community Care Program Procurement Opportunities

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