
Carnivore Discovered in Borneo
December 2005

It has dark red fur, small ears, a long bushy tail, and large hind legs, is slightly larger than a domestic cat, and looks like a cross between a cat and a fox. But what is it? A WWF camera trap captured two photographs of the front and rear of this mystery carnivore in the dense central mountainous rainforests of a Bornean national park. Neither Bornean wildlife experts nor locals recognize the animal in the photos.

drawing of mysterious animal by Wahyu GumelarIt may be a new species of marten or civet cat, or possibly an entirely new species. WWF researchers hope to catch a live specimen in a cage trap to confirm that it is a new species. If it is, it would be the first carnivore discovery in Borneo in more than 100 years.

Kayan Mentarang National Park, where the animal was photographed, is in a region known as the "Heart of Borneo," one of the most biodiversity-rich areas in the world. More than 350 species have been discovered here since 1994, according to a WWF report.

However, new species—as well as those who make their home in the Heart of Borneo—may not be seen here in years to come. A plan announced by the Indonesian government would create the world's largest palm oil plantation in this area. WWF says the plantation would devastate the habitat, wildlife, and indigenous people. It may even cause the extinction of most of the region's biodiversity.

Photo: WWF-Indonesia - Dave Augeri
Drawing: Wahyu Gumelar

Sources: WWF, BBC News, Agence France Presse.

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