Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Illinois Department of Natural Resources

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources prepares the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) to guide the conservation and development of Illinois’ outdoor recreation resources. Providing parks and open space systems that are resource-compatible and serve the needs of all citizens is the ultimate goal. The 2003-2008 SCORP also presents policy direction for the Department’s local recreation grant programs.

This SCORP document is formatted for viewing in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Printed copies may also be obtained. Contact: Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Planning, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702. Phone: 217/782-3715. E-mail:

Accessing the SCORP Plan On-line

To simplify the review process, and insure the widest distribution of the plan in the shortest amount of time, the IDNR is providing the document via the Internet in electronic form. The document is formatted for viewing in Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. This format allows the plan to be viewed on multiple computer platforms in its completed state.


New! Complete IDNR 2003 - 2008 SCORP, hi-resolution version

4.9 MB

Section on IDNR Outdoor Rec Grant Programs

1.52 KB

Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0

approx. 9 MB

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