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A woodland scene in western Oregon
Administrative Services

The Administrative Services Division provides support to all of ODF´s programs.  It is comprised of these Programs:  Human Resources, Information Technology, and Business Services and Finance.
Business Services and Finance Program
The Business Services and Finance Program is made up of  the Facilities, Radio Communications, Equipment Pool,  Payroll, Purchasing and Fiscal Services Sections.  Each section provides specialized services in business management, facilities planning, construction, and maintenance; two-way radio communications and vehicle fleet operations.
Human Resource Program
The Human Resource Program is the hub of the department’s human resources activities.  The customer service-based section is responsible for coordinating employee training, recruitment, employee recordkeeping including pay and benefits, job classifications, diversity management, EEO/ affirmative action programs, safety compliance, labor relations and injured-worker programs.
Information Technology Program
The Information Technology Program manages all of the Departments computer infrastructure as well as develops custom software applications, cartography and geographic information systems.  Included in this Program is the Log Brands Registration and Word Processing Units.
Page updated: November 27, 2007

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