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  Privacy Statement  

Illinois Department of Central Management Services


July 17, 2002

Thank you for visiting the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (IDCMS) website. This website collects no personal information about you when you visit our web site unless you voluntarily choose to provide that information to us, for example, by entering information in a voluntary online form, sending us an email, responding to a survey, or choosing to register for a specific service.

Information Collected and How it is Used

Browsing and Downloading

If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the web site, read pages, or download information, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. Your web browser software transmits most of this information to us. This information does not identify you personally. We automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit:

  • The numeric IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web) from which you access the web site;
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access the IDCMS web site;
  • The date and time you access the IDCMS web site;
  • The pages you visit, including graphics loaded from each page and other documents you download, such as PDF (Portable Document Format) files and word processing documents; and
  • If you linked to the web site from another web site, the address of that web site;
  • The name of the country in which your server is located.

Your web browser software transmits this information to us, and we use it to help us make our site more useful to visitors -- to learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. We do not track or record personal information about individuals and their visits.

Emails and Surveys

If you participate in a survey or send us an email during your visit, the following information will be collected:

  • The email address and contents of the email; and
  • Information volunteered in response to a survey.

The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic

information formats you send us. The information is retained in accordance with the State Records Act (5ILCS 160).

We use your email to respond appropriately. This may be to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to further improve our web site, or to forward the email to another agency for appropriate action. Survey information is used only for the purpose designated.

Personal Information and Choice

"Personal information" is information about a natural person that is readily identifiable to that specific individual. Personal information includes such things as an individual's name, address, and phone number. A domain name or Internet Protocol address is not considered personal information.

We collect no personal information about you unless you voluntarily participate in an activity that asks for

information (i.e. sending an email or participating in a survey). If you choose not to participate in these

activities, your choice will in no way effect your ability to use any other feature of the IDCMS website.

If personal information is requested on the web site or volunteered by the user, state law and the federal Privacy Act of 1974 may protect it. However, this information is a public record once you provide it, and may be subject to public inspection and copying if not protected by federal or state law.

Users are cautioned that the collection of personal information volunteered by children on-line or by email will be treated the same as information given by an adult, and may be subject to public access.


Freedom of Information Act

Illinois laws exist to ensure that government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by state government. At the same time, there are exceptions to the public's right to access public records that serve various needs including the privacy of individuals. Exceptions are provided by both state and federal laws. Information collected at this site may become public record and may be subject to inspection and copying by the public, unless covered by such an exemption in law. Exemptions are listed in 5ILCS 140/7.

In the event of a conflict between this Privacy Notice and the Freedom of Information Act or other law governing the disclosure of records, the Freedom of Information Act or other applicable law will control.


Access and Correction of Personal Information

You can review any personal information we collect about you. You may recommend changes to your personal information you believe in error by submitting a written request that credibly shows the error. If you believe that your personal information is being used for a purpose other than what was intended when submitted, you may contact us. In all cases, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections. See Contact Information section.



We do not use cookies to collect information at this time. Note: A cookie is a file containing unique information a web site can use to track such things as passwords, the date when you last looked at a specific page, or to identify your session at a particular web site. A cookie is often used in commercial sites to identify the items selected for a specific shopping cart application.



The Department of Central Management Services, as developer and manager of this web site, has taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of its communications and computing infrastructure, including but not limited to authentication, monitoring, auditing, and encryption. Security measures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day practices of the entire Central Management Services's operating environment as part of its continuing commitment to risk management.

This information should not be construed in any way as giving business, legal, or other advice, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information provided via Central Management Services' supported web sites.


Contact Information

The Department of Central Management Services may be contacted about any of the information above, at:

Web Manager Central Management Services
Illinois Information Service
120 W. Jefferson
Springfield, Illinois 62702
(217) 782-4600 (TDD)

Updated: May 11, 2006

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