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Pat Quinn, Governor

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CMS Bureau of Communication and Computer Services (BCCS) - IT, telecom, and Internet Services James R. Thompson Center Illinois Flag Honors Inspector General


The Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) provides a broad range of programs and services to other state agencies and to the general public ranging from procurement and IT expertise to personnel and benefits to management of many properties around Illinois. CMS helps ensure that state agencies serve the people of Illinois efficiently and cost-effectively. Learn more about CMS


Important New Ethics Information for Vendors
On April 3, 2009, Governor Quinn issued Executive Order 9 (2009), which rescinded Executive Order 3 (2008), dealing with certain political contributions to officeholders other than the officeholder responsible for the contract and certain registration requirements. PUBLIC ACT 095-0971, also addressing campaign contributions and registration, which was passed by the Illinois legislature on September 25, 2008 and contains the registration and reporting requirements for certain State vendors and bidders, as well as limitations on campaign contributions by these entities and the affiliates, is still in effect.

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