
Baby Gorilla Is Six Months Old

western lowland gorilla baby and motherThe National Zoo's female baby western lowland gorilla is now six months old!

Named Kibibi ("little lady" in Swahili) by a public vote in March, she is one of seven gorillas that live at the Great Ape House. Visitors can see them every day between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Celebrate the birth—adopt a western lowland gorilla!

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Update From a Great Ape House Keeper—July 10

As we move quickly into July, Kibibi seems to be celebrating appropriately by embracing her independence. She is keeping Mandara busy by continuing to crawl and climb all over the place. Kibibi also continues to munch on solid food, her new favorite being cherry tomatoes. She seems to enjoy the taste of novel foods and her expression is quite funny as she explores new flavors.

The relationships among members of the gorilla group continue to evolve. The most exciting development of the last month has been the increasing role big brother Kojo has been taking in Kibibi’s life. Read the rest and previous updates.

Watch a video of the mother and newborn, plus an interview with a keeper.

Orangutans Get New Enrichment Item

The Zoo's orangutans recently got a new cargo net, made from fire hoses by staff and interns, in their yard. Read all about it.

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Watching gorillas: The Zoo is home to a family group of seven western lowland gorillas, three adult females, three males, and a female baby born on January 10. Two of the males are juveniles who were born here at the Zoo—Kojo, who was born in November 2001, and Kwame, who was born in November 1999. The third male, Baraka, is a silverback, born here in in 1992. Gorillas are the world's largest primates and one of our closest relatives.
Gorilla Facts | Meet the Gorillas | Adopt a Gorilla

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Primates at the Zoo

The Zoo is home to many primates. Orangutans and western lowland gorillas can be found at the Great Ape House. Smaller primates, including golden lion tamarins, Geoffroy's marmosets, and howler monkeys, can be found in the Small Mammal House. Look for gibbons at Gibbon Ridge and lemurs at Lemur Island. link toFind out where primates can be seen at the Zoo.

On mild days, the organgutans can sometimes be seen overhead as they travel along the O Line between the Great Ape House and Think Tank. The time visitors are mostly likely to see these apes on the O Line is between 11 and 11:30 a.m.

About Primates

There are 376 species of primates in the world—from humans and apes to monkeys and prosimians ("premonkeys").

The smallest primate is the pygmy mouse lemur, which can fit in the palm of your hand. The largest—the gorilla—can weigh more than 400 pounds. Most primates live in warm climates, and most depend on forests for their survival. link toMore Primate Facts

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