Access Technologies, Inc.
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Welcome to Access Technologies, Inc.
Oregon’s Statewide Assistive Technology Program
Access Technologies, Inc. is a nonprofit organization specializing in Ergonomic Risk Assessments, Assistive Technology Evaluations, and Technology Training Services. We work with government, business, education, health service organizations, and individuals to provide accessible and cost-effective ergonomic and technology solutions. Find out how ATI can help you!
Please tell us who you are
A Business
Maintaining a healthy workforce is key to a successful business!

According to OROSHA, a serious workplace injury in Oregon costs an average of $43,000. Therefore, if an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then preventing injuries before they happen is . . . good business practice!

Access Technologies, Inc. offers onsite ergonomic risk assessments and workshops, as well as, assistive technology evaluations and awareness trainings, to reduce employee injuries, proactively address ergonomic issues in the workplace, provide educational opportunities to empower employees, and promote prevention consciousness. ->Go Here
A Person with a Disability
ATI’s staff are uniquely trained and certified to work with all types of technology. In addition, they regularly attend national conferences to stay abreast of all the latest technology. Our Specialists work with you to identify your best assistive technology solution.

To ensure you receive the full benefit of your assistive technology, our AT Specialists provide personalized trainings, which may be conducted in the comfort of your home, at your employment site, educational facility, or in one of our Centers. ->Go Here
A Government or State Agency
Access Technologies, Inc. partners with Government and State Agencies to provide appropriate assistive technology and ergonomic recommendations and accommodations to assist individuals with disabilities in reaching their employment, educational, and community living goals.

ATI’s Specialists work with you to ensure successful case closures by:
  • Promoting medically safe working environments,
  • Ensuring appropriate AT device selection,
  • Providing specific AT training,
  • Ensuring successful rehabilitation solutions,
  • Promoting early return to work and;
  • Providing independence to American’s Veterans, through assistive technologies

->Go Here

A Provider, Educator, Student
Careful planning is key to successful transitioning, whether a person is transitioning to retirement living, or from high school to post secondary education or employment; and selecting the correct assistive technology to accommodate these transitions is a vital part of this planning process.

Access Technologies, Inc. understands the challenge of selecting the correct assistive technology tools to reduce barriers both during and after the transition period, and our Professional Staff are available to help!
->Go Here
A Senior Citizen
Did you know the Census Bureau projections indicate that by 2030, one in five Americans will be age 65 or older? Think about that for a minute!

A new generation of assistive devices for the golden generation goes above and beyond previous aids; allowing people to function in many living, working, and community venues. ->Go Here
Get Started Here:
A Business
A Person with a Disability
A Government or State Agency
A Provider, Educator, Student
A Senior Citizen
Assistive Technology MarketPlace
Program Overview
Device Reutilization
Device Loan
Device Demonstration
Training & Technical Assistance
Computer Access Assessments
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Computer Software Training
Ergonomic Risk Assessment
Ergonomic Workshops
ATI Resources
Sales and Rentals
Online Resources
Contact Information
Access Technologies, Inc.
3070 Lancaster Drive NE
Salem, OR 97305
Voice/TTY: 1-800-677-7512
Voice/TTY: (503) 361-1201
Fax: (503) 370-4530
Email Us 
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