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File Types on This Site
Acrobat Reader (.pdf files) MS PowerPoint (.pps files)
Accessible Acrobat Reader RealPlayer
Adobe Flash Player Winzip (.zip files)
Microsoft Word (.doc files) Supporting Documents
Microsoft Excel (.xls files)
Acrobat Reader (.pdf files)
Use Adobe Acrobat reader for viewing and printing Acrobat (PDF) files.

Download Acrobat® Reader (Windows and Macintosh)

Accessible Acrobat Reader
Use Accessible Adobe Acrobat reader for viewing and printing Acrobat (PDF) files.  This version supports assistive technologies such as screen readers or screen magnifiers

Download Accessible Acrobat® Reader (Windows and Macintosh)

Adobe Flash Player
Flash Player is a cross-platform browser that allows a user to view Flash files via the Internet.
Download Flash Player (Windows, Internet Explorer)

Microsoft Word (.doc files)
Use the Microsoft Word Viewer to view and print Word documents (.doc) if you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer.

Dowload a free version of Microsoft® Word Viewer 97/2000  (Supported Operating Systems:Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT)

Microsoft Excel (.xls files)
Use the Microsoft Excel Viewer to view and print Excel spreadsheet files (.xlx) if you do not have Excel on your computer.

Download a free version of Excel 97/2000 viewer  (Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT)

Some file formats open in different software applications depending on your preferences and what programs you have installed on your computer.
For example:
MP3     These can be opened with either Windows Media Player or Real Player.
JPG      These can be opened with Microsoft Picture Manager or PhotoShop.
Sometimes you will be asked to choose a software application. If you see a pop box with this message, save the file to your desktop. Then double-click the file to open it in Microsoft Picture Manager.

MS PowerPoint (.pps files)
Use the Microsoft PowerPoint viewer to view PowerPoint presentations (.ppt) if you do not have PowerPoint on your computer.

Download a free version of Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer (Supported Operating Systems: Windows 95, 98, or 2000, Windows NT, or Windows ME)
Note: All .pps and .ppt file extensions will open as slideshows.


To pull audio and video off the Web, download a free version of RealPlayer:


Macintosh OS X

Previous Versions

RealPlayer Web Site  

Winzip (.zip files)
To open files compressed as zip files:




Stuffit Expander (Classic and OS X)

Supporting Documents
Accessibility Information (federal section 508)

Page updated: April 03, 2009

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

Get Adobe Acrobat ReaderAdobe Reader is required to view PDF files. Click the "Get Adobe Reader" image to get a free download of the reader from Adobe.