United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

Public Comment Period for Interim Final Rule Open until August 3, 2009

Federal Register Notice (PDF)

The Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program (FRPP) provides matching funds to help purchase development rights to keep productive farm and ranchland in agricultural uses. Working through existing programs, USDA partners with State, tribal, or local governments and non-governmental organizations to acquire conservation easements or other interests in land from landowners. USDA provides up to 50 percent of the fair market easement value of the conservation easement.

To qualify, farmland must: be part of a pending offer from a State, tribe, or local farmland protection program; be privately owned; have a conservation plan for highly erodible land; be large enough to sustain agricultural production; be accessible to markets for what the land produces; have adequate infrastructure and agricultural support services; and have surrounding parcels of land that can support long-term agricultural production. Depending on funding availability, proposals must be submitted by the eligible entities to the appropriate NRCS State Office during the application window.

These PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Fact Sheet (46.83 KB)
Key Points (47.71 KB)
Questions and Answers(42.68 KB)
Program Description (56.94 KB)
FY2007 Announcement of Program Funding  (138.06KB)
Interim Final Rule, 7 CFR 1491, July 27,2006 (73.72KB)

Additional Information

Program Information by Fiscal Year

FRPP - Interim Final Rule

These documents require  Adobe Acrobat .

FRPP Comments to the Interim Final Rule ending September 25, 2006, are available for viewing. click on the link below, or to view comments at our headquarters office in Washington, D.C., please call us at 202-720-1854.

Adobe Acrobat Document  Public Comments - 09/25/06


Program Contact

Robert Glennon, National FRPP Manager, 202-720-9476