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84. 3/28/09: Your Weekly Address
6 months ago
82. Online Town Hall
6 months ago
The President addresses the people of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota as they face down disastrous flooding. He speaks of what the government is doing, but also stresses that times of crisis like this are reminders of the need and opportunity Americans have to keep their dedication to service. (public domain)



  • Lyndsay Garner 6 months ago
    we need to also focus on wildlife. there are so very many dying because of americans. I am outraged and i believe we should do more for them as well they should be considered right on up there with the stopping of pollution. In the past five years, more than 800 wolves have been brutally slaughtered by Alaska’s aerial killing program. Now another season of aerial gunning is underway.Easy targets against fallen snow, wolves are gunned down from airplanes or chased to exhaustion, then shot at point blank range. State-licensed riflemen can target entire packs -- even pregnant mothers!
    Alaska’s politicians continue to promote aerial gunning and other extreme measures to kill wolves.In fact, in 2008 Governor Sarah Palin and the state legislature approved spending $400,000 in taxpayer funds to promote the slaughter from the skies and defeat a citizen’s initiative to limit aerial gunning. To encourage the killing, Governor Palin even proposed a $150 bounty for the left foreleg of each dead wolf and other measures.Our wolves are a crucial part of the natural heritage that we’ll leave our children and grandchildren, and we have a real chance to end this terrible practice.

    They are very important all wildlife is, i made a donation to help save gray wolves, my school has been doing project on endangered animals i believe we need to stop it all. work together for the animals the plants, our home.
  • Lyndsay Garner 6 months ago
    Education; as a senior at Charles City High School, i have found that most us are the way are because many of the educational strategies are to simple, students like to learn but in an interesting challenging way. as pries obama stated many of the schools still do things in the 19th century way, this is the 21st century. things need to be updated to be on our level, through our generation, every teen can use technology like crazy and we are more capable to understand it than most of the people of previous generations.
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