Welcome to the Advanced Degree Program in Integrated Water Resources Management
Advanced Degree Program in Integrated Water Resources Management


The Advanced Degree Program in Integrated Water Resources Planning & Management is designed to award advanced degrees in the emerging field of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). A consortium of universities has developed a unique, inter-departmental curriculum designed to provide water resources practitioners with a broad range of practical skills.

This program was created in close partnership between the Universities Council on Water Resources and the U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources. It is designed to provide the next generation of water resources professionals with a requisite skill set to address multi-objective planning and management. Although the program was developed for the Corps of Engineers, it is open to all interested individuals who gain acceptance to the appropriate graduate program at one of the participating universities.


  About the Program  
  Distance Learning  
  Core Courses  
  Participat ing Universities  
  How to Apply  
  Frequently Asked Questions  



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© 2009 U.S. Army Engineer Institute for Water Resources



Revised 14 Jan 2009

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