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What's New
Travel Restrictions
What's New
Personal Vehicle Mileage Rates
January 1, 2009 55 cents per mile

The information below is provided to assist agencies with management of state business travel. We provide guidance through statewide policies within the Oregon Accounting Manual, consultation, training and informational resources.

Travel Restrictions
There are no travel restrictions in place at this time.
History of past travel restrictions:
05-07 Administrative Restrictions

Oregon Administrative Rules
OAR 125.155.0000 State Vehicle Use and Access
Oregon Accounting Manual, Chapter 40
OAM 40.10.00.PO (pdf) - Statewide Travel Policy
OAM 40.20.00.PO  (pdf) and 40.20.00.PR (pdf) - Travel Advances and Corporate Travel Card Program Policy & Procedure
DAS Risk Management
Driving on State Business - A Guide to Frequently Asked Questions.
Risk Management Policy regarding insurance coverage while on travel status. Clarifies official state business.
Risk Management Request to Use Personal Vehicle  (doc)
Travel Kit: A Guide to Managing Risks while on the Road

Corporate Travel Card Agreement (pdf)
Employee Report of Travel Awards (pdf)
Out-of-State Travel Authorization Sample Form (doc)
Travel Expense Detail Sheet (TEDS) (xls)
Travel Card Payment Forms   AUTOPAY (doc)    TELEPAY (doc)
U.S. Bank Credit Card Application (pdf)
US Bank Corporate Card Access Online Self-Registration Notification Letter (doc)

Autopay - Easy as 1, 2, 3 (pdf)
Azumano Business Travel
Travel Card Training - April 12, 2007 Presentation (ppt)
Car Rental Information
Enterprise Rent-A-Car (doc)
How to make a Car Rental Reservation (doc)
City Pair Air Reservation
City Pair Air Fare (pdf)
Frequent Flyer Information from the State Procurement Office (pdf)
Qualified Lodging Information
State Qualified Lodging Listing
Hotels @ Per Diem
Lodging and Meal Per Diems
Federal Lodging and Meal Per Diems (Continental U.S.)  Effective 10-01-08
International Lodging and Meal Per Diems (Outside Continental U.S.)  Includes Alaska, Hawaii and Foreign destinations
Personal Vehicle Mileage Rates
January 1, 2009 = 55 cents per mile
Personal Vehicle Mileage Table (pdf)
Purchasing Travel Page
Travel Contracts
Travel Card
For travel card questions, contact Karen Williams, DAS State Controller's Division or phone (503) 373-7277, ext. 227.
Travel-Card News
Travel Card News - List of State Agency Travel Card Coordinators and Managers. Used to communicate to state agency travel card coordinators and others who many have responsibilities regarding the US Bank Corporate Travel Card.
Travel Policy
For travel policy questions, contact Scott Smyth, DAS State Controller’s Division or phone (503) 373-7277, ext. 276.
Travel Policy-News
Travel Policy News - Used to broadly communicate matters related to statewide travel policies, per diems, mileage reimbursement rates and other issues related to the administration of travel at the agency level.

Page updated: February 18, 2009

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