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ODHHS Services



Educational Services

We provide trainings (large, small, one to one), seminars and conferences on topics including but not limited to: Effective Communication, Deaf Culture, Assistive Listening Technologies (types, different uses, procurement, etc.), TTY´s (usage and setup), Sign Language Classes (DHS classes), Communication Tips, Accommodation Needs in the Workplace, Interpreters (roles, usage, ethics), Real-time Captioning (application, equipment needs, etc.), Resources, Community Groups, and many other topics.



Effective Communication Monitoring and Coordination Services

ODHHS monitors and coordinates the provision of sign language interpreters, real-time captioners and assistive listening services. This service is not simply "scheduling". The coordination of effective communication services is a mechanism by which ODHHS maintains a continuous link with department branches and field offices during all interactions that they have with employees, clients, and constituents who are deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened. Request a Sign Language Interpreter/Real-Time Captioner  


This link allows ODHHS to identify issues with policies, budgets, service needs and other areas where ODHHS or community services are needed. This link also provides direct assistance to agencies for meeting the auxiliary aids and services requirements of the ADA by providing interpreters, real-time captioners, and assistive listening equipment for their appointments, trainings, and other services being provided to their clients who are deaf , hard of hearing late-deafened.


ODHHS is also very active in developing effective communication services, particularly real-time captioning services,  through education, feedback, recruitment, monitoring and networking.



Information and Referral Services

We maintain and provide hundreds of fact sheets, documents, resources, and other local, state, and national information regarding people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or late-deafened. Our online Technical Assistance and Information Center is always expanding and has become one of the largest online collections of useful information relating to persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, and late-deafened.



Technical Assistance Services

ODHHS staff advise directors, managers, supervisors, caseworkers, clients, constituents, and sometimes the general public about issues pertaining to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or late-deafened. Most of these issues are related to the ADA, resources for auxiliary equipment, accommodation needs, community resources, and other important information that department staff need to address specific client needs. The need for these technical assistance services comes to the program´s attention in several ways:

  • Direct involvement with and monitoring of department services being delivered through the coordination of effective communication services (interpreters, real-time captioning, and assistive listening equipment).
  • Concerns or questions posed by department employees, clients, or constituents who are deaf, hard of hearing, or late-deafened.
  • Inquiries made by department caseworkers or other pertinent staff regarding needs of their client(s), employee(s), or constituents who are deaf, hard of hearing, or late-deafened
  • General calls made to the program´s public 1-800 number.
Page updated: September 21, 2007

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