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Application for Filming at the Smithsonian Institution

See answers to Frequently Asked Questions relating to Photographing, Filming and Video Taping

NOTE: All required (*) fields must be filled out.

1. What are the title, focus, and purpose of the program? Please note that additional information may be required as well as the description.
2. What Smithsonian location(s) are you requesting for this project? Please list the location(s) and the person(s) you have contacted. Requests to film at more than one museum/unit should be sent to the Central Office of Public Affairs - (202) 633-5183
3. Have you been in contact with other departments about this project?
Yes, I have requested archival materials
Yes, I have been conducting research with

Please note that your responses will not affect consideration of this request.
4. If you wish to film specific objects at the Smithsonian, please list them.
5. Please list the names of Smithsonian staff members that you wish to interview and/or film. If you do not have specific names, please describe what types of expertise you are looking for.
6. How much time in the museum/unit or with the requested staff do you anticipate will be required? Please include set-up and break down.
7. How many minutes will the completed program run?
8. How many minutes of the completed program will contain the Smithsonian content covered in this request (buildings, collections, staff, etc.)?
9. What equipment will the crew bring? How many members in the crew? Please include the number and types of lights and total wattage to be used.
10. Has an outlet (cable, broadcast or Internet) agreed to the broadcast this program? If the program is slated for foreign distribution, please note which country and whether the program will ever air in the United States.
11. What are the proposed uses of this program, i.e. TV broadcast, home video, DVD, CD, webcast, publication? Please include all languages.
12. Is there funding for this project? Are there program sponsors?
13. Who will own the copyright of the completed work?
14. What organization(s) or individuals will be receiving the program's gross and net proceeds?
15. What other organizations will be involved in the program and what type of credit will they receive?
16. What is the scheduled air date(s) or issue date?
17. Will the name of the Smithsonian be used in this production? If so, how? How will the Smithsonian be credited?
Applicant's Contact Information:
*Full Name:
*Address 1:
Address 2:
*Zip Code:
*Daytime Phone:
*E-Mail Address:
Billing Information (If Different From Above)
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip Code:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions relating to Photographing, Filming and Video Taping

***PLEASE NOTE: The Smithsonian charges a daily access fee, regardless of the location of filming. In addition, the Smithsonian charges additional fees for costs when applicable (i.e. security, utilities, staff time, etc.) and for additional uses of the film, including but not limited to, home video and DVD rights, and derivative works or products.***

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