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Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Date: 02/11/2009 Description: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton State Dept Photo The Secretary of State, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, is the President's chief foreign affairs adviser. The Secretary carries out the President's foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service of the United States. On January 21, 2009, Hillary Rodham Clinton was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State of the United States.

New Era of Engagement
"Whether in Latin America or Lebanon, Iran or Liberia, those who are inspired by democracy, who understand that democracy is about more than just elections – that it must also protect minority rights and press freedom, develop strong, competent and independent judiciaries, legislatures and executive agencies, and commit for democracy to deliver results – these are the people who will find that Americans are their friends, not adversaries." Full Text | Video

Date: 07/15/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton's Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations. © State Dept Image

Smart Power
“We must use what has been called “smart power”: the full range of tools at our disposal -- diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural -- picking the right tool, or combination of tools, for each situation. With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of foreign policy. This is not a radical idea. The ancient Roman poet Terence, who was born a slave and rose to become one of the great voices of his time, declared that “in every endeavor, the seemly course for wise men is to try persuasion first.” The same truth binds wise women as well.” Full Text | Video

Date: 2009-01-13 00:00:00.0 Description: Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be Secretary of State. State Dept Photo

Travel to Africa
Date: 08/04/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton arrives at the InterContinental Hotel and meets with man from African Heritage's Costume from Cameroon. © State Dept Image Secretary Clinton began a seven-nation trip to Africa on August 5 at the 8th U.S. – Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (known as the AGOA Forum) in Nairobi, Kenya.

U.S. Committed to Africa's Future
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 5): "Progress in Africa requires partnerships built on shared responsibility. The flip side of responsibility is opportunity -- shared opportunity. And that is what I wish to speak about this morning, how we can work together to help realize the God-given potential of 800 million people who make their homes and find their livelihoods in the valleys of the Great Rift, across the plains of the Serengeti, in vibrant urban centers from Nairobi to Johannesburg to Dakar, and why seizing the opportunities of Africa's future matters not only to Africans, but to all of us."  Full Text | Video

U.S. Considers Kenya a Key Strategic Partner
Secretary Clinton (Aug. 5): "The United States and Kenya share a long and deep history of friendship and cooperation. We consider Kenya a key strategic partner, a regional leader, and a nation of almost boundless potential. I have just come from a candid and wide-ranging conversation with the president, the prime minister, the vice president, and other ministers of the government where we discussed, in depth, the steps that are needed to realize that potential and to seize the opportunities that I discussed in my speech earlier."  Full Text | Video

Read Secretary Clinton's Biography