Division of Child Support Enforcement
ASAP Program
A Simple Acknowledgement of Paternity.
It's the Right Thing To Do.
If you have any questions, please call 1-800-345-6347

ASAP is Mississippi's voluntary paternity establishment program. ASAP makes it possible for parents to establish paternity in hospitals and other birthing facilities, at the State Department of Health, county health departments and Division of Child Support Enforcement. This procedure carries the same legal effect as if the father and mother were married at any time between conception and birth. The program allows the father's name to be added to the birth certificate.


    Paternity means fatherhood. Paternity is in question when a child is born of unmarried parents. If a child's parents are not married, paternity can be established through voluntary acknowledgement or through court proceedings.

Why is it important to establish paternity?


      It is important for a child to know who (s)he is and to feel the sense of belonging that knowing both parents brings.

    Medical History:

      A child needs to know if (s)he may have inherited any diseases or birth defects. Knowing both parents also ensures against marriage between close relatives.

    Death, Disability, and Insurance Benefits:

      A child should be able to benefit from both parents. A child has the right to possible benefits from both parents such as Social Security, medical and life insurance, and veteran's benefits.


      A child has the right to food, clothing and a home. These can be better provided when both parents are involved. A child supported by only one parent often does not have enough money to meet his/her needs.

How can paternity be established?


      Legal Paternity can be established while the mother is still in the hospital when both parents sign an acknowledgement of paternity form and return it to the hospital staff. There is no fee when the acknowledgement of paternity form is filed with the birth certificate. Please contact DCSE for information regarding paternity establishment after leaving the hospital.

    Involuntary or Court Action:

      A petition to establish paternity is filed with the appropriate court with jurisdiction over the matter.

Will the father's name be added to the birth certificate?

    Yes, the father's name will be added to the birth certificate if he is legally established as the child's father by completing the acknowledgement form. In court proceedings, however, the court must order the father's name to be added to the birth certificate.

Will the child's last name be the same as the father's?

    Yes, the child's last name can be changed to the same as the father's.

Does there have to be a court hearing?

    If both parents cooperate, a court hearing will not be necessary. However, while the parents may not be required to appear in court, if court action is involved, the Child Support Division will secure an order of paternity from the court.

What if the alleged father refuses to sign the acknowledgement of paternity form?

    The mother can request assistance from the Division of Child Support Enforcement in establishing paternity and obtaining child support through the courts. If the mother begins receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food Stamps  or Medicaid for the child, there is no charge for this service. If the mother does not receive TANF, Food Stamps or Medicaid, there is a $25.00 fee for this service.

What if there is a question about who the child's father is?

    If there is a question, paternity testing can be done. The test can compare all the alleged father's, the child's, and the mother's genetic markers. Paternity tests are nearly 100 percent accurate. For more information on paternity tests, please contact your local Child Support Office.

What about visitation rights?

    The Division of Child Support Enforcement does not represent either party in establishing visitation or custody rights. However, establishing paternity is the first step needed in order to ask a judge for visitation privileges. The father will need to seek legal counsel for advice on visitation and/or custody.

Why is now the right time to establish paternity?

    The best opportunity to establish an emotional bond between a child and his/her parents is at the time of birth. It is also a good time to establish a legal bond. This legal bond will go far in giving the child the same emotional and financial support that would be expected if his/her parents were married. Today, mother and father are happy and proud to have a child; tomorrow things may be different. A child's future should not be a gamble.