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Welcome to the

Pandemic Planning Coordinating Committee


Public health protection is both a state and local responsibility.  The Pandemic Planning Coordinating Committee (PPCC) serves as central oversight to ensure that state and local authorities can prepare and respond to all levels of epidemic and pandemic outbreaks that threaten the safety and well being of New Hampshire's Citizens. 


Preparing for Avian Flu

In anticipation of the nation being affected by the H5N1 virus, also known as the avian (bird) flu, the PPCC is actively coordinating preparedness and response planning efforts throughout the state.  The PPCC recognizes that most emergencies happen on a local level.  A public health network of nineteen all-hazard sites has been implemented to manage and control public health threats on a community-by-community basis and to ensure that no community's needs go unmet. 


Questions & Answers about Regional Pandemic Planning



Phase I : State Preparedness

The PPCC will develop and approve a methodology for committing $ 813, 000 to the twenty-four all-hazards sites.   These funds provide assistance to local communities for the purpose developing pandemic response plans to be approved by the PPCC. Plan development is dependant on participation of key community partners in each of the 19 regions, such as:


  • Elected Appointed Municipal Officials
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Police
  • Hospitals
  • Community Health Centers
  • Primary Care Providers
  • Home Care Providers
  • School Officials
  • Human/Social Services Providers
  • Public Health Network Partners
  • Behavioral Health Providers
  • State Agencies


All Health Hazards Regions State Plans

Under a Memorandum of Understanding, an All Hazards Site Regional Coordinating Committee for each region will oversee the development of a regional pandemic influenza plan and monitor the region's progress.  The Committee's role is to represent all relevant stakeholders in the region, including public health networks, health and human service organizations, public safety, agriculture, businesses, public and private schools, faith-based and community organizations, subject matter experts and public members and will recognize and build on the efforts already underway in the State.


Pandemic  Resources

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications Plan establishes DHHS procedures and policies for the development, coordination, and dissemination of information to the general public in the event of a health emergency in New Hampshire.

NH Medical Surge Guidelines describes the medical surge capacity and capability and provides guidance for medical surge planning.

Slide Show Overview - Pandemic Planning through Regional Public Health Preparedness.

Pandemic Planning Application for Funding - funding for local/regional planning through the All Hazards Regions.

Self Assessment - Regional Public Health - A check list of activities to help determine readiness of state and local public health regions.

NH Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan

NH Flu Pandemic Plan - Identifies activities that can help protect the public against a potential influenza pandemic.

Pandemic Influenza Technical Resources - List of resources that DHHS and Department of Safety have available for commuinities to use in the planning process.

The After Action Report Template - a tool for use following  preparedness exercises and drills.


Additional Information

If you are a member of a local or regional pandemic planning committee and have questions, you may contact the PPCC and DHHS Pandemic Planning Services at:


Meetings and Membership

All Health Hazard Regions 

Map of towns serviced by the All Hazards Regions 


Are You Ready?

Planning Checklists for:

businesses, health care facilities, local government, schools and more.


Disaster Planning & Preparedness Guide

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