

BNL's PNNL's Ruby Leung PNNL’s Ruby Leung makes models smarter about the climate

Few problems have galvanized the global scientific community as much as climate change and its consequences. Policy makers and resource managers worldwide need sound scientific knowledge to make informed decisions about climate and energy, particularly at the regional level.

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The carousel, lifted by Apogee's balloon, carries sorbent tubes aloft to sample for tracer above the carbon dioxide injection area in this NETL research project. New electrode for improved lithium-ion battery performance

A new kind of anode developed at DOE's Savannah River National Laboratory is expected to increase the energy density of lithium-ion batteries four-fold – or enough to enable the battery to power an electric car for 300 miles on a single charge.

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Latest Issues

DOE Pulse
  • Number 292  |
  • August 4, 2009