Division of Youth Services
Institutional Programs and Services

Youth Services Number
1-800-312-7215 or (601) 359-4972

The Division of Youth Services (DYS) provides institutional care to delinquent juveniles committed to MDHS/DYS custody. It has the capacity of caring for 150 students. The psycho-educational program offered at the Oakley Training School (OTS) begins with the arrival of the youth on campus with a standardized admission, intake screening, and orientation process conducted by designated staff. Once the youth is assessed, he/she is placed into an appropriate housing unit and staff begin developing a comprehensive service plan for him/her involving treatment programs, counseling, recreation, and education. DYS is a school district approved by the Department of Education as an accredited non-public school serving boys and girls in separate programs. After students are assessed in the area of mental health, physical, academic and vocational aptitude, and given a complete physical by a physician, they are placed in academic and/or vocational classes, based on these results and the cumulative educational records at Williams School (OTS).

Local Area Network (LAN) Computer Labs are housed in Williams School. Three network labs provide remedial, job interest assessment and cognitive development, facilitated by the Fast ForWord Program.

Interactive Video Network (IVN) allows students to interact with each other in GED and gifted classes. The electronic classrooms have allowed students to take electronic field trips and view satellite downlinks of various programs The room is also beneficial to all departments by giving staff access to interactive video-conferences with staff counterparts. The rooms were equipped as part of the STAR School Project through the MS Educational Television Interactive Video Network (METINV).

Library/Media Services are provided to all students. Williams School has a licensed library/media specialist. Teachers are assisted with instructional planning and delivery.

Character Education Training is being offered to students at the institution. The goal of the program is the development of responsible citizenship skills.

G.E.D. Preparation and Testing are offered to eligible students at Williams School. Students tested have an average pass rate of 80%.

A.C.T. Preparation and Testing are also offered to students who have graduated or earned a G.E.D.

Vocational Technical Education funds and grants have been received to improve educational programs at Oakley. Vocational training programs include: Welding, Carpentry, Auto body, Small Engine Repair, Brick Masonry, and Basic Business Computer.

Individual and Group Therapy counseling emphasizes reality therapy; social skills development; anger management; sex education including STD's and abstinence; drug and alcohol awareness; character education; sexual offender counseling; and psycho-correctional skills.

Diagnostic and Evaluation allow staff to gather medical, dental, recreational, educational, vocational, and psychological data on each student. Each student receives a complete physical, and a full-scale psychological assessment which includes IQ testing, personality profiles, drug and alcohol abuse risk questionnaire, suicide risk assessment, achievement testing, and a trauma risk assessment tool called the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children.

The Mississippi Arts Commission Community in Schools Grant Project is currently serving students at Oakley Training School in Creative Writing and Art classes, taught by licensed instructors from the nearby college.