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H1N1 A Influenza (swine) Information and News
Influenza Porcina (gripe porcina)  Versión en español

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News & Information:
Colorado Home Healthcare Resources for Pandemic Flu (CDPHE)

Novel H1N1 Update for Colorado Legislators (CDPHE 7/29/09)

$5 Million in Federal Funds Assists State with H1N1 Influenza
(CDPHE 7/16/09)

Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Statistics (CDPHE)

Today's Human H1N1 Influenza Investigation (CDC)

Antiviral stockpile deployed quickly in time of need (CDPHE 5/7/09)

news & information history...

Message from CDPHE:
We continue to ask all individuals with mild flu-like illness to stay home. This is regardless of travel history. Children and adolescents with fever should not go to day care or school. Adults with fever should not go to work until their symptoms resolve. Individuals with severe illness, such as difficulty breathing, should contact their health care provider.

The department advises those who experience influenza symptoms need to stay home for seven days after onset of symptoms, or at least 24 hours after the symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer.

The state health department also encourages people to take these personal precautions to decrease their chances of getting the flu:

  • Wash hands frequently

  • Cover your sneezes and coughs

  • Avoid others with respiratory illnesses

Again, this is a rapidly evolving situation and the state health department is asking people to be alert for changes in our guidance, available from this page.

Additional Guidance Information & Resources

Current/Updated Guidance:

Foreign Language Resources:


Audio: (right-click and choose "save target as")
